24:The Meaning of Power (Part 2)

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Mareth, Purity, Emopa, and Vatel walk through a portal that led to a seemingly large wasteland. They just received word that they had successfully retrieved the Gloves of Souls. "Sweet! Who'd they get it from?" Mareth asked Purity as he chuckled. "Some guy named Codicia, he's dead now. I heard the girls. Ulrich and Ruek were actually all holding back their power." However, all 3 seemed surprised. "CODICIA?" They all yelled before high-fiving each other. "Finally, that bastard is gone for good." While they were celebrating, Purity interrupted. "Look alive men, it's do or die." They all then felt a sinister presence, seeing a purple star crash down onto the barren surface, "Let me ask you all... What is power?" Oni asked in a sly tone as he walked from the debris, his eye was glowing purple. "Power is the absolute authority. In this case... I am beyond power." He had an opened-mouthed grin, flashing his sharp teeth as saliva dripped from his mouth and down his chin. "Get ready..." Vatel said as Mareth made the first move and immediately dashed towards Oni, throwing a punch coated with divine mana. Divine mana acted as some sort of advanced mana coating.

It's different from authority mana since authority mana is meant to suppress opponents. Oni easily blocked it with his blade, which appeared to look like a long knife. "Hehehe... You're weak!" Oni then kicked him straight in the chin, causing blood to spit out of his mouth, he then kicked him a few more times and sent him flying back. The battle had officially begun. Lives on the line, winner takes all. Who will win? The people that act as warriors of the light? Or the monster of the dark? Oni looked up to see multiple blue flashes, realizing they were some sort of energy ball. He began to quickly evade them, covering a large distance between him and the group. As he was dodging back, he saw Vatel running next to him, sword dragging across the ground. As Oni landed on his feet, Vatel swung his blade upward, knocking it back into a large mountain. It made him spit blood out of his mouth, and he was about to get up, but Vatel immediately appeared in front of him, slicing off one leg and both of his arms. He would then grab Oni by the face and watch his hand turn completely black.

"Void Eruption." He said in a monotone voice as a black glow could be seen from quite a far distance. Black rays began to shoot from the ground as darkness began to rise into the air. A massive pillar of complete void shot up into the air, not only did it destroy the entire mountain and then some, it left Oni with only a finger left. "Did we win?" Mareth asked as Purity floated next to him. "No. The battle is not over." The finger began wriggling before it regenerated an entirely new body. "Not pure enough!" He laughed and immediately swung his blade upward, sending a huge slash wave that went on for at least 30 miles, the group barely managing to dodge. "You're the one that I truly want!" He yelled as he appeared in front of Emopa, who drew the blade on his back to black the incoming attack. Oni then stared at Emopa as they held the position with their blades touching. Both battling a battle of strength to see who can make the other give in. "Is that Yakon's sword? Wow... I guess you're so tied to the dead that you start grave robbing!"

Oni laughed and grinned. "You know! I buried him right?! I buried your friend! He's dead! Dead dead dead dead!" He laughed hysterically. This, however, pissed off Emopa to the point where he immediately overpowered Oni, kicking him in the gut but swinging at such speeds that he was able to dismember Oni in under a second. However, Oni regenerated. "Should've used Yakon's sword!" He said as he threw a punch at Emopa, landing it clean in his jaw. Oni then blocked an attack from Mareth with his foot. "Tuh tuh tuh! Wait your turn!" He then dodged back, as Vatel landed on the ground standing on the handle of his blade. Oni dodged and blocked attacks from Purity. "Wanna know something? All that fighting we just did only happened in basically 2 minutes." The group didn't seem to care and Mareth made the next move, except he was faster. "Flame Clock!" Oni was struck instantly as a flaming fist hit his cheek. It left a trail of flaming wheels. Oni immediately recovered and grabbed his wrist, stabbing him in the stomach before grinning. "Reality Ma-" His head was then sliced off by Emopa, "I'm not letting you use that bullshit move.." Oni then turned his eyes towards him as black roots spread from the neck part of his head and wrapped around Emopa's face. Vatel luckily sliced off the roots before Oni reattached his head.

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