Chapter 11:The Strongest Swordsman.

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The figure seemed to be staring down at the old man. "What's your name?" The old man chuckled and smiled at the figure. "My name is Yakon." He slowly drew his katana and a wave of pressure flooded the entire area. The figure then smiled and looked at Yakon. "I'm Yesuf." Yakon began to run towards Yesuf. "I'll make this quick." Yesuf however, turned around and ran at crazy speeds. Yakon chased him throughout the forest, and he easily caught up and swung his katana. His katana was then blocked by a dagger. "You blocked it..." Yakon said as he would spin around and kicked Yesuf. "Endless Slash." Yakon swung his weapon and instantly, a path of destruction followed suit and Yesuf coughed up blood. Slash marks appear on his body. Instantly the damage on Yesuf would get reflected back onto Yakon. Causing him to be quite surprised as both their bodies regenerated from the attacks. Yesuf had a slower, but natural regeneration, Yakon on the other hand, used magic to heal himself as he was only human. Yesuf looked at him and the place began heating up. "The hell?" Yakon said to himself as he felt the air around the area gets hotter. He immediately began to sweat a little as he stared down at Yesuf. Magma began to leak from Yesuf's arm and face. "Heat overcomes all. Your blade will just melt by the sheer heat alone. You're human, so you'll pass out from the heat anyways. It's a free win!"

Yakon continued to sweat. He didn't know much magic, he only knew flame and wind magic. He used a wind barrier around his body to try and cool himself off, but it wouldn't last him very long. Yesuf summoned small magma wolves and sicked them after Yakon. They jumped at him and he swung his sword, slicing them in two. He then disappeared and reappeared behind Yesuf, swinging his sword and getting it blocked once more, however, the swing would slice a few trees in two and leave a noticeable gash on Yesuf's face. "You seem to understand that I am a swordsman. The current strongest swordsman on this planet. I'm gonna start to try a little now, not enough to kill you but enough to thin the numbers. Isn't that right, Yemio?" He looked at his sword before smiling a little and disappeared a large slash mark appearing on Yesuf's chest, something however caused him to immediately pass out. "Let's get this over with." He ran off and went in search of a new opponent. He felt a strange energy coming from his right at a rapid speed. He immediately blocked a slash coming from a blond man clad in white armor. "In the name of justice, I will defeat you..." The two disappeared, multiple shockwaves appearing in the air. Emopa looked up at the sky and sighed. "The old man is real strong.." He stood up and disappeared, going to Vatel. "Hey Vatel, let's stick together from now on eh?" Vatel nodded and sighed. "I think my wounds should be somewhat healed... Is that the old man in the distance? For some dude that looks like he's in his seventies, he's crazy fast." Emopa nodded. "Agreed." The two stood up and began to run around the area. Meanwhile, Yakon was in a cloud of smoke and debris, walking towards the person on the ground. "You fought hard. I commend it." He tuned around to walk away. "Again?" This time it was two people, two boys to be exact. They looked like twins. They tried attacking him from the front and back but he dodged.

"Woah! This old man is like, crazy fast dude." They were contrasting colors one had black hair and clothes, and the other had white. "Yeah..." They both got into a stance, but we'll match the speed!" The one is white said. "My name is Cron and the one in black is my brother Mon, we're gonna defeat you." The two disappeared and appeared on both the left and the right Cron throwing a punch to his liver and Mon, a punch to the face. Yakon would block with the handle of his blade and his leg. He put his sword in his mouth and immediately grabbed Cron's hand and swung him at Mon grabbed his brother's leg and used it to kick Yakon back. Immediately, the two followed up with a twin fire blast, Yakon however dodged easily. Yakon swung his blade and the two dodged as a deep slash mark appeared in the ground. Yakon landed on his feet and stared at the twins. They looked at each other and grinned. "Alright old man," Cron said before beginning to emit lighting from his body. Mon emitting blue fire from his fists. "Bring it on!" The two said in unison as they dashed toward Yakon at extremely high speeds. Yakon got ready to block but Mon was above him and Cron was behind him. He swung his sword him a vertical motion before letting a slash wave head towards Cron while he blocked Mon's punch. "Mana armor eh?" He said as Mon went back into the air and landed next to his brother. Mon then punched the air rapidly, sending multiple flaming fists toward Yakon. Which he blocked or sliced them. "You're an interesting pair." Instantly Yakon's face was grabbed by Cron, and an electric shock was sent throughout his body. He managed to push through however and kneed Cron in the gut before kicking him away. Cron then had a spear made of lightning in his hand, "Thunder Javelin!" Right, when he threw it, Mon was behind Yakon, his hands coated with azure flames. "Reaper's Meeting!" He threw a punch at the same speed that the javelin was going, which was the speed of lightning. He didn't even have time to react before the javelin went into his chest and steaming flames hit his back. It coughed a giant lightning strike to appear in the sky, striking him. He kneeled on the ground and panted, his body slowly healing itself.

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