41:A New Start.

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Wow! What a turn of events, eh? What do you think, Imai? I see a dark-skinned man with purple hair stare at me with a bland expression. "Cu, don't you have to chart down another chapter or something?" Imai said to me, he sounded kind of irritated. "Well, yeah, but like... I want your opinion." I said as Imai tapped his chin. He was shirtless, wearing some exotic jewelry with some pants that I have no idea what to call. "Well, I must admit, it's a bold move to try and make an existence godless. However, I'm interested actually."

Imai said to me as he leaned back. We're in some black void right now, it gets so boring! The Spire King ##########. Oh, wait, I can't say what he did to me. Hm? Oh, he permitted me to tell you guys! He cursed me to catalog every single major event that happens in every single existence. Better than when he cursed me to catalog every event ever. I am Curator, or Cu for short! Pleased to meet you, readers! I'm trying my hardest to catalog things properly. I have omnipresence, and I'm invisible to every creature, even the gods.

Why? Simply because I am on a higher plane. Even higher than Existence itself, therefore, unless I make myself known, they will never know. Besides, I can easily manipulate the narrative as I please, but where's the fun in that? Imai growled. "Are you going to write shit or not? I can't think of anything to entertain me. So keep writing, I'll imagine a tv screen and watch what you write as if it were a tv show." I stared at him. "Fuck you." Imai started bleeding from his ears and mouth profusely. "Really? You're gonna write that in?"

I cleared my throat. "Anyways!" The group was in The Immortal Manor with Yumi and Puron. "Why didn't you guys do anything about the guy with the spear?!" Amy yelled at Yumi with tears in her eyes. "We couldn't find him, he's not even a god, and he conceals his mana and presence well." Vatel and Mareth sat there, pondering. Mareth, of all people seemed pissed, not at the gods, but at Emopa himself. "That bastard is a traitor and nothing more!" Sorra stood up. "Don't say that!" Mareth snapped at her, "What am I supposed to say?! That he's doing this for all of us?!"

Puron then intervened, "Even if he was, his method of doing so is completely unethical. He's no different from a corrupt god." Sorra then asked, "Can we bring him back?" Yumi answered, "He's in tune enough with The Dark to the point where he became a dark bearer, which is even closer to the dark than the gods themselves. If anything, Emopa might've gone mad." Fox sighed. "Then we need to defeat him, we all have to get stronger to take him on, and the Abominations." Puron sighed, "That, and the forces of corrupt, and possible neutral gods."

"You're right," Ulrich said as he stood up. "I'll go train." Everyone collectively agreed to train, except for Vatel, who was still processing all of this. "My Lord." Alyssa came up to him, kneeling down on one knee. "Please, become the Bearer of Light. The fate of all of existence quite possibly rests on your hands." Alyssa had long golden hair with a yellow robe and yellow pupils. "W-what?" Vatel said as he looked at his hand get coated in darkness. "You will possibly lose the ability to wield Void magic. Vatel, you may not understand but we do."

Alyssa said as she looked at him. "The Abominations are not people we can lightly take on. Just a thousand of them will require the majority of existing gods. That's excluding Emopa, so please, for the sake of your friends, the lives of everyone and everything, bring peace to existence and kill Emopa." Vatel tried to think of multiple ways he could try to win over Emopa, but the doubt was always there. "Okay, I'll do it." He said with determination in his eyes. "Really?! Let's begin!" Alyssa reached forward and touched his chest. She then started chanting.

Pure energy filled the room, and suddenly, Vatel was in an all-white void. He saw a woman on a bed of flowers, smiling as she smelled them. "Oh! Has someone come? It has been a while since I've had company. Please sit, Vatel." Vatel was surprised the woman knew him, but he listened and sat next to her. "I know you are becoming the new Bearer of Light. This means you are carrying on my will. My name is-" Vatel heard the woman speak her name, he didn't know why, but he felt such space when he said it.

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