50:The Alters (2) (18+)

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The group stared up at Alter Ulrich. However, his bright silver eyes glared down against his original. "Ulrich, back up..." Puron said, placing his hand on Ulrich's chest. Ulrich seemed a little curious, so instead of backing up, he moved forward. "You're me!" He said in a bit of a surprised tone. "Like a clone." Alter Ulrich narrowed his eyes, and the pressure in the area spiked. "A clone huh?" Exo summoned a scythe, "Why would you say that?" He questioned Ulrich as his Alter summoned a bunch of snipers in the air. "Die." The snipers fired. However, Ulrich blocked the majority.

They weren't normal shots, however. When they touched something, they caused a large explosion. "Hmm... Looks like I need to improve on the model." Alter Ulrich said as his left eye looked different from his right. There was something unique about it. There was a mark on it. Meanwhile, Codicia was sitting in an open space. A large aquarium as the floor beneath him. He heard footsteps, frantic footsteps ahead of him. "Sir!" A demon ran inside, greeting Codicia and the other executives. Beezlebub, Asmodeus, Luficer, Satan, and Baphomet. Codicia represented greed despite not being a devil.

Lucifer represented pride, Satan represented wrath, Asmodeus represented lust, and Baphomet represented envy. "What is it?" Lucifer asked, his hand resting on his fist. "There's an intruder!" The small demon seemed frantic before hearing calm footsteps behind him. "Why are you so scared? The security system will take care of them," Codicia said as he fiddled with an incomplete halo on his wrist. He was a God Candidate. "Good dogs shouldn't rat, you know?" Codicia's eyes widened as he heard the voice, "What?" A tall, older man walked through the door. It was Static, however, he seemed much different.

He was obviously older than his original self. Also taller and much more serious and mature. His eyes were blindfolded, and he wore a black suit and tie, as well as some black shoes. He walked by the demon and took off his blindfold, taking a seat across from Codicia. "Friend. Let's talk business, hm?" He said, putting his feet on the long glass table. He looked around at the black walls with red lining on them. "Talk about an evil lair huh?" His voice sounded like it was coming from an old TV. "Guess you do fit the persona."

A laughing soundtrack came from seemingly out of nowhere. "You're not Static..." Codicia said, noticing the difference in personality. Not only that, but looks as well. His eyes were glowing a bright green, and he had darker skin than normal. "How about you make me an executive? I'll supply you with data about everyone you need." Codicia chuckled, "What makes you think you can join our ranks?" Static grinned, and the lights flickered, "I wasn't asking." The lights went out, and four needles were pointed at the other executives' necks. Codicia seemed interested, grinning as his halo began to form more.

Meanwhile, back at The Immortal Manor, Exo and Puron sat there perplexed. Alter Ulrich has restrained, thrashing around while Arros tries to calm him down. "Get Una to come here, she can help us," Puron said as Exo teleported away. He later came back with a short girl, around 5 feet. She had long silver hair and black eyes. She seemed a little pale but sported a smile nonetheless. "Hiya! What's the issue?" She asked, and Puron explained the whole thing. "Ahh... That's what's been going around. Each time an Alter Ego is created, there's a shift in Existential Energy."

Puron raised a brow, "What does that mean?" Una giggled, floating in the air and playing with one of her halos. She had two, each one having tiny orbs circling around it. "It means then there's a shift in the energy of Existence. However, since there were seven shifts... There are seven Alter Egos." Una said as she smiled brightly. "The Alters are the only clan to bring themselves to near extinction. Not only that, they're the strongest of the 5 great clans, and have the strongest Origins." Sorra then raised her hand. "Since you said there were seven..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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