35:The Outer Incident (4)

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A boy with a spear was sitting down in a seemingly neverending abyss. "My lord, are you ready?" He was the one The Dark Bearer himself appointed. Dark Flag Bearer, Rea. The Dark Bearer, also known as the first Abomination stood up. He was Vex, The First Abomination. "Of course." He was about 6'7, carrying a great sword on his back. "In case this is the day I die, seek out Emopa, and he will take my place." Rea nodded. "Yes sir!" He began to walk forward, Rea opening a rift for him with the spear. There, a Kagehara in light, gold armor was sitting down on a bench.

"Hey there, Murin Kagehara," Vex said as he landed on the ground, causing a small cloud of dust to form. "Vex. I have a question. What do you hope to achieve from doing all of this?" Vex thought for a moment. "Freedom for all." Murin stood up, opening a golden portal. A girl in a yellow dress walked through. She carried a golden staff with a few rings on it. "Alyssa, in case I die, seek out Vatel." She looked up at her master with worried eyes. "Master... W-will you win?"

Murin laughed and grinned. "Of course! I'm the strongest after all." She wiped her eyes and stared at Rea. "Brother..." Rea scoffed and got ready to fight. "At least be civil about this, and let's take this away from the public eye," Murin said as Vex thought about it. "Nah, I like chaos." He grinned and instantly appeared in front of Murin, who blocked a punch. His arms were shaking from them, however. 'He's like a tanked-up Abomination...' He thought as Rea and his sister disappeared. Murin was grabbed by Vex and thrown into a building, people screaming.

e caught Vex's hand and punched him a few times before kneeing him in the stomach and dashing through multiple buildings. He felt an odd energy as he backed off and took out his sword, it was yellow in color. It could dispel any, and all things, including metaphysical things or intangible things. Even realm outbreaks weren't an exception to this rule. "Shit!" He blocked an upward swing from Vex, sending him flying in the air. "Come on! Let's make the most of this fight!" Vex laughed as he stood on his face, sending him crashing through multiple levels of a skyscraper.

"Ignore the bystanders!" He said, swinging his sword as Murin blocked the hit. He seemed much more stable. "The immortal body technique, eh?" The two began to clash swords, some people even took out their phones to record this fight. "What're you all doing?! Get away!" He was cut off by getting stabbed in the chest and getting thrown through the building. He immediately regenerated and caught a down slam from Vex, and flipped him over, throwing him through multiple floors of the building. His hair began to stand on end as he felt an attack incoming as he dodged out of the building.

The building was soon sliced into bits before Vex dashed toward him, slashing him in the chest, though the slash seemed more shallow than before. "Tch..." Vex stabbed his sword into the ground and began to engage in hand-to-sword with Murin. His hands got sliced off but he kept swinging. He kicked Murin in the gut, sending him back. He picked back up his blade and dashed towards him. Grabbing his face and running him through the concrete, then vertically up a building before throwing him. "Rays of Light! Tower Queen come to my defense!" Murin yelled as a white light coated his sword.

Vex laughed and sliced off part of a building before picking it up and throwing it. Murin slashed it in half before using some of the leverage to jump toward him. Vex grinned and swung his blade with maximum force while Murin brought his blade down. The two clashed, and the resulting clash sent out a shockwave and a purple-and-white blast that seemed to break time and space in the area. Nothing was moving except for the four fighters. Vex and Murin crashed to the ground, and both got up. "What'd you do?"

"My blade, Penance allows me to cut through metaphysical and nonphysical things, even concepts such as time, space, and even reality or fate," Vex said the two circled each other before he grinned. "Now that your sword is out of hand..." He dashed toward Murin, throwing a swift kick that was blocked but sent him back a little. The two then hit each other on the chest. "Spectral Shock!" Unlike some things, Spectral Shock bypasses all defenses and targets the body and soul immediately. Murin's armor shatters as he coughed blood, revealing that he was wearing a shirt underneath.

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