49:The Alters.

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Sorra stared at herself, though she looked different. Instead of her purple hair, it was green, she was dark-skinned and slightly taller. Instead of her red eyes, she had blue eyes, and even lighter blue pupils as well as a light blue iris. "Who is it?" Puron asked, his eyes widening as he saw the person. "Hey guys! It's me! How cool is that?!" Sorra said, standing next to her... Other. "Sorra, get away! That's an Alter!" Sorra tilted her head, "A wha?" Her Alter looked down at her and chuckled a little. "Who knew you'd be so little."

Sorra placed a hand on her chest, "Excuse me! You're like..." Sorra looked her up and down. "Maybe six inches taller!" Puron was very confused about why the Alter hadn't attacked yet. Usually, Alters were hostile to their originals, but Sorra wasn't. In fact, she seemed friendly. "Hmmm... Well, I can't call you Sorra. How about I call you Arros!" Arros sighed, "Couldn't have thought of something cooler?" Sorra placed an arm around her, "We're gonna be best buddies!" Arros looked down at her counterpart and smiled. "Yeah, we are." Puron felt no malice or any intent to harm anyone.

"Come in," Puron said as Arros walked in, looking around. "Quite the place." Sorra grabbed her hand and led her to the meeting room. It was now filled with more people, including Amy, Static, Ulrich, and Fox. "Sorra, who's that? Why does she look a little like you in the face..?" Static asked. "This is!-" Puron cut her off, "It's the Alter Ego, so we have four of the Origins." Puron sighed and looked at Arros, "She seems to be fond of Sorra, which is odd considering most Alters, especially the Origin, try to kill their original." Exo stared at Arros, sighing.

"Yeah, not malice or anything bad. Interesting, What're her abilities?" Sorra wondered the same thing. Everyone wondered. "Well, Sorra's abilities revolve around food. She doesn't eat, but she gives food to others." Static said, "If that helps any." Puron thought for a minute before Mareth Spoke, "Gluttony... If it's a direct opposite, then it's gluttony most likely." As if on cue, Arros's stomach growled. "I think you might be right," Sorra said as she led Arros to the kitchen. She was the main chef, getting a little bit of assistance from some immortals who wished to help out with food.

"Please, help yourself," Sorra said, turning around. However, she heard a loud crash. She then turned around and tilted her head. Her eyes widened, seeing every bit of food gone and a shattered plate on the ground. "Wow..." Sorra said and walked out of the kitchen with her counterpart. Everything seemed normal, everyone resting and planning. Sorra walked into the infirmary, Amy still being unconscious. "Poor Amy..." She said, sighing quietly. "It's gonna be okay," Mareth said, causing Sorra to yell and throw the candy cane trident. Mareth dodged out of the way, wincing in pain as his wounds hadn't completely healed.

"Emopa really did a number on us..." Sorra said, holding her left arm. During the realm outbreak, she got impaled in the abdomen multiple times, and her left arm got severed. She doesn't have natural high-speed regeneration, so she relies on some help from Maria and her food. The ones with high-speed regeneration were the gods, Alyssa, Ulrich due to the forge of Creation, and Fox. "Listen, we'll win this," Mareth said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "We'll get back Emopa, one way or another. Either that, or we kill him." He said, but he had other business.

Sorra looked behind her and saw Amy waking up, rubbing her head. "You're awake!" Sorra said, hugging Amy tightly. "Ow, Sorra ow!" Sorra immediately let her go, her face getting a little red. "I-I'm sorry!" She couldn't contain her excitement. "I'm so happy you're awake!" She sat on the bed, taking a look at her injuries. Maria tried her best, but these wounds were not normal. She had multiple deep wounds on her body. They would most definitely be a reminder of that fateful day. Not only that, she nearly had her head cut clean off.

It was a miracle she survived anything really. It was damn near a miracle anyone in the group survived what they did. After all, everyone outside of Vatel, Static, Mareth, and Tuku were human. Tuku was nowhere near the battlefield as he actually went scouting. "Don't worry, you'll be okay," Sorra said, placing a hand on Amy's cheek. Amy looked at Sorra, a smile forming. "Thank you." She hugged her the best she could. "Where's Tuku by the way?" Sorra thought for a moment. "He went scouting with another god." Amy stared for a moment before giggling. "Bet you miss your man."

Sorra blushed and shook her head, "It's... Not like that." Amy smiled, "Yeah, sure." Sorra then heard someone yell her name, "Sorra!" It was Tuku. He seemed to be next to a pretty injured goddess. He carried the woman on his back, "Sorra! I need help. What happened to Ulrich?!" Sorra seemed confused and quickly ushered Tuku inside. Everyone heard the commotion. So, Tuku was greeted by Maria, Exo, Puron, Mareth, Vatel, Alyssa, and Static. Fox, Ulrich, and Amy were elsewhere. Maria took the small goddess from his back and immediately healed her. The wounds were instantly healed.

"What happened?" Sorra asked. "Ulrich attacked Mollie!" Tuku said, both upset and panicked. Puron raised a brow, "That's not possible, he's in the observatory." Ulrich came out of the observatory, seemingly getting research done. "What happened?" Tuku seemed confused, "Come outside!" The group went outside, Arros staring at the sky and seeing a mechanical dragon flying towards them. "Ah. It's another Alter Ego." Exo seemed surprised, "What?! There can only be one of every origin." Sorra tapped her chin, "Why are there two?" She asked, seeing another version of Ulrich on top of the mechanical wonder.

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