Chapter 19:Change The World.

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Fox was floating through an all-black space just as everyone else had. She thought back to her team and it made her cry a little. Wondering if they were all even alive. "Shit..." She wiped her face as a portal opened. She landed on the ground, ending up in a city. It seemed normal at first, except almost everything was completely on fire. People were running around killing each other. She noticed there were no guns, nor was there that much mana either. It was total anarchy. She stood up and looked around, dodging a stab from a person that was behind her, grabbing them by the head and slamming them into the ground. "I've gotta get out of here." She looked up at the night sky. All she saw were a few stars and smoke from the nearby fires. "This world is chaotic...'' She began to head away from the chaos, heading into a dense forest. "I can't see shit down here..." She then thought about the world she was in. Maybe this was a sign for her to overcome her obstacles. So she determined what she was going to do. She was going to change the world she was in.

Though, that's way easier than done. She would essentially have to become the leader of the world to do it. So she could change it for the better or for the worst. She then decided until another portal would open up, she would train. The most she could do is some exercises but that's as far as she could go. She didn't have any special teachers or fancy equipment. She had to teach herself. She did so for a year and 11 months. It was basic combat, strength, stamina, and overall physical training. She also trained her magic too. However, during her training, she came across this man. The man's name was One, and he was the one who started all this chaos. He had insane physical strength and pretty strong magic too. Except he only knew basic wind magic. However, he was still exceptionally strong. One day, she was walking through a forest on a particularly dark night. She fell through a hole and into some strange liquid that felt like water. All of a sudden, someone was standing in front of her. It was a completely white entity that didn't seem to have any facial features.

"Who are you?" The entity didn't respond, instead, it turned around. "Your mana." Fox raised a brow. "My what?" The entity turned around. "I am the physical manifestation of your mana. That's how I'm able to communicate with you despite not having any mouth or anything. I'm talking to you telepathically." Fox sighed. "Okay? What am I doing here?" The entity then turned its head. "Look at this." It snapped its fingers and all of a sudden, a bunch of neurons were visible. "You see that black flow? That's your normal mana." Fox was too stunned to even pay attention. "Is this my brain?!" The entity nodded. "Yes, and as you currently see, your mana is black. That indicates it's normal, though mana comes in a variety of colors, yours is obviously black. However, it can fuse and collide with me. Since I am a manifestation of your anomaly mana." Fox then raised a brow. "How did I get this... Anomaly Mana?" The entity then looked at her. "You died." Fox's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" The entity then shushed her. "Don't worry, just accept me and you'll be brought back to life. Normally all signs of mana cease once someone has died."

The entity then turned to the neurons. "But you, you're different. You still emit mana even after death, as if your body refuses to give in. To come on... Don't you wanna change the world? Be the best judge you can be? Strike down the guilty?" Fox was hesitant for a while but eventually grabbed the entity's hand and watched it disperse into her neurons. All of a sudden she woke up in the same liquid. When she stood up, turns out it was just water. She felt around her body and felt that there was a hole in her stomach, but that quickly regenerated. "Huh?" Fox seemed confused, The Entity appearing next to her. "Anomaly mana functions differently from normal mana. It can eliminate diseases and even automatically heal wounds. Although, the drawback is that it often drains quicker than normal mana. You see, Fox, your body is no longer normal, you are now linked to the Alternate. Which means you can no longer draw mana from this world, but draw mana from the Alternate Source. That's why you have those eyes." Fox then tilted her head before going to a nearby river, her left eye seemed normal, however the iris was now gray and her pupil seemed to have why cracks that spread from the center. Her right eye was now black, the iris being a dark green on one half and bright blue on the other. Her pupil being black.

"What happened to my eyes?!" She screamed before The Entity walked up to her, "It shows your connection to the Alternate Source. Until your body learns to recreate this kind of mana, you'll have to draw from it. It restarts your mana back to zero. Now, enough talk... Go set the world straight... Kill One." Fox took a deep breath as The Entity disappeared. She then heard its voice in her head. "Oh yeah, by the way, the more you continue to draw from the source, or the more you use your mana to block incoming attacks, it lowers your sanity, so make sure to breathe to replenish it." Fox nodded and immediately disappeared, ending up in a large city. "Fuck..." She realized her clothes were ruined, her shirt torn, only leaving her with her top half covered, and her pants were also soaked. Luckily there was a clothing store nearby. However, she heard giggling in the distance.

People stared at her, mainly men but a few women as well. "Oh! What a fine specimen we have here!" One of the men chuckled, holding a dagger and licking it. Another man grinned, "She looks so defenseless... I call first dibs!" Immediately running towards her, the man stretched his arm out to grab her, only to have it grabbed and torn off instantly. Fox didn't mean to rip off the man's arm, but for some reason, it felt good to her. "Hehe.." She giggled a little, staring at the rest as they all ran at her. She dodged all of the attacks they threw, taking them out one by one. One of the girls caught her off guard and punched her into the clothing store. There were quite a few clothes that Fox liked. She grabbed a black t-shirt and a black and white hoodie. Slipping off her shirt as she dodged the attacks of the girl. She ended up tripping onto the desk and slipped on the other shirt and hoodie. She immediately followed up by stepping on her head and crushing it. "Talk about brutal." The Entity said as Fox slipped on some black and purple shorts.

"Now's not the time to be talking about brutality. Justice can be cruel. However..." She stepped out of the clothing store and saw One outside, sitting on a broken statue head. "What? Got a little stronger? You're nothing compared to me..." Fox stayed silent, examining him. "When I found out I was the only one with magic, I realized could run this backward society, make it MY world." One laughed before hopping down. "I can make quick work of you. Besides, I let you get away." He dashed towards Fox to swing a knife at her, only to have it blocked by some invisible force, he didn't know or see mana armor. Fox knew about mana armor but didn't see any of it. Her mana itself was actually like an invisible forcefield one of the parts she wanted to protect. Fox grinned and watched her fist grow black with white cracks on it, throwing a punch at One. Sending him flying back. One backflip and digs his knife into the ground to stop himself. However, Fox is gone. He looks up and dodges an attack from her, watching the ground crack as she landed. "That white blob wasn't lying..."

Fox felt the effects of the Alternate slowly creep into her mind. She'd have to get very used to this. Fox dashed towards One, him sending wind slashes towards her, which she dodged. One then threw her knife at her, which cut her cheek. She growled a bit and ran towards him. Fox had adopted a more leg-based fighting style, she did use her fists occasionally. She turned into a blur in his eyes before he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, seeing ice spread on his stomach. However, it wasn't any normal ice, this ice was black with a white outline. She then backed off and instantly they were in an arena. She used all of her energy in this attack as giant white swords surrounded the arena, and as if the sun had just exploded, a bright light shone. After a few seconds, a large beam came down onto them. Turning One into nothing but a pile of dust. Fox then coughed blood as the dimension faded, she got on her knees and panted heavily. The Entity appeared next to her and chuckled. "Here, I'll take over your body, just tell me what you want done." A month later, Fox had restored the world.

Bringing it to somewhat peace and actually made her own government. Though she still preferred to be the judge. Now with that done... Where is everyone?

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