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First of all, Hello and good day readers thank you for getting this far into our story.This chapter is going to be a small explanation on why our character's have the abilities they have and some basic information.

First of all the only part of the world that is game like are stats, inventory, skills, and quests. Everything else is more fantasy like, for example you still die and your body dosent disappear and your body still needs to eat, sleep etc etc. Another thing I want to explain is the collision of worlds that created the one we are in. First there is Earth, then there is the game world that the Dev's have created.There is one more world called Takkar. All three worlds collided to create the mosh pit that our main characters are in right now. When the collision happened the Game brought Earth a surplus of mana and thus caused earth to expand, making it bigger and leaving a lot of empty space. The game also brought along monsters, npc's and the Towers and dungeons, there is one tower in what used to be every country using the company buildings of the Dev's as a base for the Towers. Now what Takkar has brung are actual beings from another world where they didn't have any monsters or mana. All the empty space earth had from it expanding, yeah it was all taken up by Takkar. The relationship between the Earthlings (Now called players) and Tarkkans are a rocky one, reason for that is some think the players brought about the monsters but others think that the players are there to protect them from the monsters. Regardless they all live in the same world now have to coexist with eachother.

Now for the reason the Dev's have such special mix match of abilities. For a little explanation there are talents people get, usually a person would have 1 and if lucky 2. The Dev's..... have...... five. Now listen up don't leave, they have this because of a talent that every Dev has called Dev's Authority. The game recognizes that they are Dev's and allows them to have 5 talents. There is though a set requirement to unlock some talents but some are also just obtained from the get go. For Example Vatel came into the game with the cartographer and combiner talents. Cartographer lets him have many of the map obtained from the start and let's him share it to others. While combiner let's him combine skillsDev's Authority also allows them to multi class up to three at most but some Dev's can decide to dedicate themselves to one or two. I don't think I will have to explain this but yes MOST normal players can only multi class 1 class. Some people might not be normal.

Now a little explanation for the leveling system the world has. The world they are in has a base lvl and over time that lvl will increase thus making all the monsters stronger and dungeons harder. Players, Npcs, and Tarkkans are not part of this base level, meaning they have to catch up to the level of the world themselves by killing monsters. There are obviously some monsters who will be a little lower or higher that that base lvl. But with this system the world and monsters evolve as the players do, the players just have to make sure they lvl up faster than the monsters evolve. Now if people have a baby, the baby's lvl will be the combined lvl of the parents divided by 5. Now so the baby isn't all mighty OP until the baby reaches its teen years, it's stats will be in a sealed state and given gradually after becoming a teen. This is also so the kid wouldn't destroy their own body with power they can't control. The kid could obviously still train to fasten the process and still lvl up a little while at it.


And here is some conversion Rates for Currency in Magical Heritage and RL

Copper = $1.00

Bronze = $10.00

Silver = $100.0

Gold = $1,000.0

Platinum = $10,000.0

Palladium = $100,000.0

Now for the Average pay weekly and living conditions

lower-class = 2 silver, 3 bronze (Poor/Worst Jobs, Shack) $230

Middle-class = 5 silver, 4 bronze (Normal/clerks/farmers, 1 Story Home) $540

upper-class = 1 gold, 6 silver, 8 bronze (Specialists/ Doctor, 2 Story Home) $1,680

High-class = 1 Platinum, 9 gold, 8 silver (Nobles/Lords, Mansion) $19,800

Rulers = 2 Palladium, 2 Platinum (Kings/Queens, Castle) $220,000

Note: Palladium is only dealt with royals and kingdoms usually

Average's for Housing

Normal Inn = 4 bronze to 1 silver a night

Fancy Inn = 3 silver to 1 gold a night

1 Story Home = 5 gold, 6 silver, 5 bronze $5,650

2 story Home = 8 gold, 4 silver $8,400

Mansion = $127,000

Castle = :p Not telling

I hope that clears a lot of things if not just comment and we will try to answer anything you guys may question.

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