32:The Outer Incident (1)

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Mareth woke up in a strange place. He woke up on a balcony of a place on the side of a mountain. As he looked around, he saw people staring at him. "A Verger, picked this soon?" Some in the crowd whispered as Mareth stood up. He had dark skin, somewhat long black hair, and black eyes. A light-skinned man then stood in front of him. "Hello there, young Verger." Mareth immediately got up and balled up his fists, ready to fight. "No need to get hostile bud. From this day forward, you're gonna be my Verger, and my disciple."

Mareth seemed shocked but looked around. "Where am I? My friends!" The man grinned. "My name is Olkapo, God of Fists and Martial Arts." Mareth turned around and swung at him, "Shut up!" His punch was easily blocked and everyone gasped. "Quite a heavy punch you pack, and you haven't even started to fight seriously left. However, you lack discipline. We're gonna need to work on that." Mareth then snapped back, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He grabbed Olkapo's wrist and threw another punch, only for it to be countered and receive a punch in his gut, knocking him out.

Later, Mareth woke up in a meditation room. Olkapo sitting in front of him and staring at him curiously. "So, young Verger, tell me about yourself." Mareth rubbed his head and growled. "I don't care, how do I leave?!" Olkapo smiled. "You can't. Not without my permission, so we're gonna be here for a while." Mareth was about to protest, but he knew this guy could well beat him in a fight. "Fine." Mareth then explained his background and what happened. "Ahhh, okay, so you were one of those mob people. Well, don't worry, I'll teach you that discipline. Cut your hair or put it in a ponytail."

Mareth raised a brow and chuckled. "What?" Olkapo stared. "You heard me. We're gonna begin training." Mareth sighed and listened. After training, which consisted of him punching planet-sized mountains, brutal exercises, learning martial arts of various forms, and sparring with Olkapo. The two later became close, and though Mareth was a little apprehensive at first, he warmed up to Olkapo. He later left to join his friends with permission from Olkapo. As Olkapo stayed behind, and time went by, he heard of Mareth's achievements and feats, including killing a rogue verger he once trained.

He was currently sitting on a balcony, watching his people train, meditate, or just live their lives. He smiled at it, but his smile soon faded. "What." He said as someone was leaning on the wall behind him. "So this is what you built, huh?" The man said as he stared down. "Disgusting. All I see are fleeting lives, I would've made actual warriors, but you made them reliable on magic." Olkapo turned around. "So? They're not over-reliant, they have balance, which is key." The man scoffed. "Magic makes others complacent and weak. You lot ought to know that, I'd destroy this place and undo what that bitch taught."

Olkapo then turned around, his eyes narrowing. "Don't talk about our teacher like that, Nightmare." Nightmare grinned and closed one eye. "What? Gonna hit me?" Olkapo grinned. "I'm afraid you'd die if I landed one, after all, I'm the strongest martial artist." Nightmare snickered. "Ya sure-?" He then got punched right through a building and the mountain, making him cough blood. "What the!-" He saw Olkapo above him and he blocked a down kick, which sent him into the ground. He immediately dodged out of the way as Olkapo landed where his head was, cracking the ground. Nightmare got up and blocked a kick coming from him, sending him back even further. He looked around and grabbed a punch from him before throwing one of his own. Olkapo grabbed and blocked it with a palm before kicking Nightmare in the gut, sending him back. Nightmare dodged a light-based slash wave that would've left a nasty wound had it hit. Nightmare dodged a kick to the fact before the two engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Both sides seemed they be completely equal in those terms.

Olkapo grabbed Nightmare's arm and flipped him over, however, he grabbed Olkapo's shirt and threw him through a bunch of trees. The Range mainly consisted of mountains, however, there were a few flat areas and forests. Olkapo grabbed a tree and kicked it toward Nightmare, who sliced the tree clean in two, not only the tree but the ground and Olkapo's shoulder. "What?! You hypocrite, you're using magic!" Nightmare chuckled. "On the contrary my friend. I'm simply drawing from my body instead of mana." Olkapo tilted his head, "What?" He asked as he regenerated. "You see, there are multiple ways powers work here."

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