Chapter 12:The Final Round.

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It was a bright spring morning in the kingdom of food. People were continuing their lives as normal, others were prepping for the tournament tomorrow. Emopa and Vatel were recovering from a hangover after they had a little too much to drink. Emopa groaned in his bed and slowly sat up. "Holy shit..." He said to himself. "What happened last night?" He looked around and no one was in the room. He sighed and decided to outside. Vatel, Yakon, Mareth, and Ulrich were standing there talking to each other. Vatel then looked at Emopa, snickering a bit. "Holy hell..." Emopa raised a brow. "What?" Yakon chuckled a bit. "Kids these days." Emopa groaned. "What?!" Ulrich laughed. "Someone drew on your face." There was a mustache and a beard drawn on Emopa's face. Emopa groaned and was about to turn around to go back inside and wash his face, but felt someone small drop on him. "Guess who!" The boy covered his eyes and laughed. "It's your friendly prankster Static!" Emopa seemed surprised but then sighed. "Why didn't I expect this..." He said as Static jumped off of him and giggled. "Aww, don't be such a downer! Aren't ya happy to see me?" Static asked as he giggled. Emopa used water magic to clean his face and when he was finished, he turned around. "Well, aren't you just funny?" Emopa chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I'm happy to see ya little guy." Vatel looked around. "Alright! Everyone is here except Fox, Sorra, and Ruek." Ulrich nodded. "What're we gonna do now?" Vatel looked at everyone. "We already know the dark future that awaits us. We have to train as much as we can." Emopa then thought of something. "I know somewhere we can train." Emopa had brought everyone to an open field.

"Alright! This is the first time we'll be fighting each other." Emopa said as Ulrich raised a brow. "Okay... I don't fight though." Emopa nodded. "Alright then... The rest of you." Emopa's Tome began to float and open up. "You'll fight my summons." Skull, Bones, Rot, and the two orcs then rose out of the ground. "I forgot the two Orc's names. So I'll rename them. Guroal, and Nuroal. Now, all of these guys are pretty tough. Vatel, you've never seen my summons before, none of you have." Vatel nodded, looking at Rot. "Do you have a system for your summons?" Emopa tilted his hand. "Sort of, Guroal, Nuroal, and Rot are all commanders/generals. To be honest, I need more to make an army. Skull and Bones are under Rot. All undead will be under Rot, so things like skeletons, yokai, etcetera." Emopa looked at them. "You will fight these guys, keep in mind, they've been doing some training of their own, so don't expect them to be all weak." Mareth chuckled. "This'll be a piece of cake for me." He said as he punched his fists together, Emopa then shook his head. "You'll fight with Yakon since you two seem to be the stronger ones. By the way, Mareth, what are you?" Mareth then chuckled. "I'm a Verger, we're usually defenders of a god's domain, I am a student to the God of Fists, Olkapo. My training consisted of constant sparring with him and learning to destroy small hills the size of continents, to mountains the size of giant planets.. however, at most, I can destroy a large moon." He sighed and looked at Yakon. "We're gonna do this old man?" Yakon then nodded, stretching and grinding before the two disappeared.

Emopa looked at the rest. "Okay, Rot and Vatel, I got a feeling you two will get along just well." He chuckled and sat down. "Static, which of these would you like to take on?" Static then jumped up and smiled. "Both the orcs!" He giggled. "Don't worry, I have confidence in my strength!" He smiled happily as Emopa laughed. "Alright, you go kiddo. We'll be prepared for that fateful day." They would keep training until sunset. The next day arrived and everyone was there, Fox, Sorra, and Static watching from a floating TV screen. The contestants all met in a field, staring at each other. A swordswoman was specifically eyeing Emopa, and a big guy almost covered in scars was eyeing Mareth. Both kings then walked up to the 10 contestants. "Welcome, Final Challengers. We congratulate you for getting this far, and we acknowledge your strength. Now, before you stand the ultimate opponents, will you fall, or will you come out on top? Winners will receive wishes, and losers will receive whatever their king decides. Bernal said he was the king of the kingdom of food. Both kings then clapped and a magic circle appeared, soon opening a portal at which a cloaked, formless entity seemed to be primarily made of a kind of mist. It only floated a couple of inches off the ground and looked at everyone. It then summoned a small bell and rang it, all of a sudden, the contestants were transported to a giant area, except the arena represented an entire kingdom and then some outside land. Floating eyeballs that were meant to be cameras watched over them. Burnal's voice could then be heard. "Listen, not only will this determine your worth and strength, it will determine what kind of person you are. You all have an unlimited amount of time until all opposing sides are eliminated. Good luck and begin." Everyone stood there in silence.

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