33:The Outer Incident (2)

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Peron, a Holy God for the pure side had just left a meeting, humming quietly as he traveled through his land. He seemed quite fine, wandering through mountains, beautiful valleys, and the such until a black beam came from the sky, then the surrounding area was destroyed. He was more of a mage than a physical fighter, so he immediately dashed back and saw a god. He could tell they were neutral but the killing intent was there. "What a lovely day!" The god said. Peron summoned a few magic circles and narrowed his eyes. "Berserk?" He asked as the large, 8-foot god held a large sword. It was about the size of Peron, who was 5'5. In his other hand, he carried a Greatsword in his free hand.

"You're so bold to come into my territory on your own," Peron said as he crossed his arms. "Don't worry, I won't make your death TOO painful." All of a sudden, Berserk was sent flying back, through entire mountains. "Unlike other pure gods, I don't hold back." Berserk tried to get up, but both of his legs were missing. All of a sudden a bright yellow cross was sent flying at him, sending him through the world they were on and out into space. He was then grabbed and thrown into a moon. "Where the hell is the boy getting this strength?" His legs regenerated as he roared and creatures began forming.

"Wait... Where is he..?" He said as he saw a flash of light, which he immediately dodged as an entire beam turned the moon into nothing but dust. "Go away!" Peron smacked Berserk to the ground back on his world, his jaw broken from just the hit. 'This strength isn't natural, even for a god..." He looked up and noticed someone walking toward him. "I love the pitiful look on a gods face." Berserk stood up and fixed his jaw as Peron landed behind him. He too, also noticed the figure. His eyes then widened upon realizing who it was. The black hair, purple eyes, dark skin, and certain features that would tell they are an Abomination.

The two gods put their differences aside for now and decided to take on the bigger threat in front of them. "You, identify yourself!" A giant glowing cross landed on the field, healing Berserk. He seemed surprised and looked back at him, despite both being gods, they felt extremely uneasy. "The bloodlust is suffocating..." The Abomination laughed. "Zen." He said, right before taking out 4 rods attached by chains. Like nunchucks. "By Divine Law X28, you're hereby able to be executed as stated by Multi, The Core of All Gods himself!" Zen tilted his head. "I remember doing research, he's called the core of all gods because he was the first, correct? However if he dies you all don't die, instead you all gain a sudden boost in power..."

The two gods remained silent. "Guess that answers my question." Berserk was instead knocked back through the cross, shattering it. "Beser-" Before Peron could speak, Zen hit him upward before slamming his foot into the ground, causing cracks to form around the planet. "I thought you were a god that didn't hold back!" He laughed as he kicked his foot up in the air sending millions of rocks in the air as well. He then began to jump between rocks so fast until after images formed. "My." He grabbed Peron by the face and slammed him into the ground.

Peron sent a spear of darkness at Zen, sending him in the air as Berserk appeared next to him and slammed him back onto the ground with the great sword. He immediately got up and split the four rods into two. Zen laughed as he blocked individual shots from both gods, all three now engaging in close ranged combat. "I'd like that great sword, hopefully it's durable enough!" He laughed as dodged swings from both gods. He reattached the rods and hit Peron back quite far. "Didn't you say you could go all out?! Gods can destroy entire realms, why hold back!?!"

He dashed towards him. "Huh?! Is it because you fear killing innocents?! This is what makes you Pure Gods so weak!" He slammed the weapon down onto his throat and into the ground. Once the smoke cleared, part of Peron's head was missing, and his throat looked horrible. "Did you die already? No fun..." Berserk came up behind the Abomination and swung his sword. He dodged however and got hit in the face with the rod. Making him let go of his sword. He coughed blood has his head was spinning and he started to get dizzy. 'i think I've suffered internal damage. Using a Realm Outbreak relies on the Soul, Heart, and mainly the brain.

If either of those three is damaged, a realm outbreak is harder to do, and it may come out weaker than intended. Worst-case scenario I won't be able to do it at all... Especially if he managed to hit my soul..' Before Berserk could chant or do a hand sign for a realm outbreak, his eyes widened as he saw a giant slash wave heading toward him. "Ah fuck..." He said as he was hit dead on. "That should've killed him." He turned around to find Peron standing, breathing heavily. "D-damnit..." Zen giggled.

Tossing the great sword toward him with a devilish grin. "Pick it up and fight me... Actually." He took out a dagger and tossed it toward him. "Do me a favor and save me some time. Kill yourself." Peron looked at the weapons, as he was about to reach for the dagger, he felt a disgusting presence behind him. It smelt like all the horrid things in this world combined into one. The pressure was sickening. He turned around and saw Kon, The God of Corruption and the leader of the Corrupt faction of gods. "You!-" He grabbed Peron and grinned.

"Corrupt." He said as Peron felt a sharp pain through his body. He began screaming and thought back to everyone that he had known. From his birth till now. "N-no! I don't wanna be like this... I don't wanna hurt my friends!" Kon only stared, chuckling lightly as Peron screamed, cried, and begged for mercy. Only then did his body give out and a giant black and white flashing beam shot into the air. "Welcome to the world, Sin." Peron had now just become a corrupt version of himself. A once holy man was now defiled and his morals and innocence were lost.

He looked up at Kon and stood up. His hair was now black and white, his skin was a shade of a darkish grey. He wore black and white clothing and his robe was tattered. Kon looked at Zen, however, his head was kicked off by him, a large grin on his face. "Hm? Oh! I'm being recalled, cya!" He flickered then disappeared. Sin turned around and watched as black roots reattached Kon's head. "Okay, let's go-" They stopped in their tracks as a boy was sitting on the ground playing with a knife. "Oh! There you are! Looks like I was too late, huh?"

It was Neo. "I have no qualms with you, Neo, why don't you back off?" Neo tilted his head. "So mean." He pouted as Sin walked toward him. "I advise against that." Kon said as he watched Sin get blown in half, his body falling to the ground. Neo narrowed his eyes. "Don't even come near me unless you have permission. Be thankful I'm not Flame, he's not as forgiving." Kon laughed. "Yeah but you're crazy. Though, you do make a fair point. Between you, Intel, and Shadow, Flame is a monster in his own right."

Kon rubbed his head. "Especially after what we witnessed during the Kina Festival." Neo laughed. "Exactly. Be thankful Flame doesn't care about anything so he doesn't spoil your plans unless he's bored." Everyone then felt a chilling presence. "What about me?" Kon swung behind him and his arm went missing. "Bold of you to swing at someone you see immediately." He said as half of Kon's body burst into greenish-yellow flame. "Decay Flames." The flames were out after a second before Flame was gone. Neo laughed. "See? Whenever you decide on a plan, always leave Flame as a variable."

Kon was breathing heavily and broke into a cold sweat. "Get up Sin, we're leaving." Neo waved and began to walk away. Sin's lower half stood up and his upper half regenerated as Kon opened a rift. "As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. Both Flame and the Abominations and Kageharas are all variables to our plan." He said as he stepped through. "We're gonna have to review."

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