Chapter 1:An Unusual Greeting.

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A couple years have passed since the global incident. Humanity has discovered something quite intriguing about all of this however. It was a new source of energy, mana. Mana was a new source of energy that developed in tons of human beings and creatures. However, those that didn't have it had excellent physical capabilities. Some even had both. Humanity however, has somewhat left their modern ways of life as the world changed. Kingdoms began to appear instead of the buildings of capitol states. It was as if something was overwriting Earth as a whole. However, humanity accepted this change. Not only was the new way of energy possibly infinite and is technically able to be reproduced, with certain materials, money, and time, they'd be able to explore the cosmos like never before. Only reaching the moon in seconds.

Deep in a forest named Blacklight Forest, an orc camp sat in an opening. A group of adventurers had taken a contract to help slay the beasts that roamed that very camp. Two mages, one for healing and one for defense, one berserker, one swordsman, and an archer in the back. The contract promised 100 silver coins each if they completed their mission, that's excluding the body parts they would sell. The swordsman named Sento, was the leader of the group. "Alright guys, ready?" He asked, the rest nodding. "Good."

They crept up on the camp, they knew very well how tough orcs could be, but they were slow so that was their edge on them. When they entered the camp, the orcs seemed to be having a meeting of some kind. They had a new ruler. The ruler had a darker green color to him, with a necklace and bracelet made of bones on him. He stood up and raised his wooden club, letting out a loud roar, which the lesser orcs copied. When the adventurers were about to ambush them, another orc came up behind them. Seemingly late to that supposed meeting. Sento turned around and was about to be punched by the orc, but the berserker blocked it. Barely though. The berserker had been knocked back, into a wall, alerting the other orcs. The ruler soon sent them to attack. The archer, somewhat prepared for this, readied her arrows. "Flamming Scatter Shot!" She yelled. Shooting five flamming arrows that spread out and hit some of the orcs, however, they only took a little bit of damage. The group was overwhelmed. The berserker and Sento trying to protect the two mages.

Then, something happened, the orcs stopped attacking and turned around. The ruler was dead, a man with a black trench coat with purple eyes on the back appeared. He wore black pants and had a few artifacts on him. "Orcs necklace huh.." He scanned it. "Ten percent damage buff when enraged.." He put on the necklace. "This will do." He chuckled and turned to the rest of the orcs. "Hey there!" The somewhat long black hair flowed in the breeze. He wore black gloves, had dark skin, and purple eyes. Even more, he had a katana sheathed on his back and a floating black book with a dark green aura floating next to him. "I killed your leader, so don't take it as anything personal okay? I need to increase my army.."

He chuckled a bit. "Army? What am I saying.." The man then turned around. "What're you doing mister leader.. you died so easily.. at least give them a fight.. Come back to life for me and do the dirty work hm?" The man spoke, it seemed as if nothing happened before the orc slowly got up. It let out a menacing roar as a green aura surrounded it. "You should be easy enough to control.. kill the other orcs." The Orc ruler charged at the other orcs, swinging his wooden club at them and seemingly killing them with ease. He even ate part of them. The last orc however, put up a fight, it carried a giant sword instead of a club like the rest. They began to clash weapons, it seemingly like the ruler would loose. However, Sento and the berserker would take the last orc from surprise and pierce his back. Causing him to be distracted from the ruler for a second before getting hit in the head with the club. Once he was knocked down, the ruler began to beat him to death with it. Still going at it even though he died.

"That's enough.. it'll make a fine addition. To the team." The man grabbed the orcs arm and walked to the dead orc carrying the large blade. "Wake up." The Orc would then rise from the ground and it's color changed to a bit of a brighter green. "Orc ruler.. your name will now be Gnarlak. As for you, sword wielder. Your name shall be Mlornirk. (Mlore Neark is how it's pronounced). "Now, come back." The orcs disappeared, their souls appearing in the book floating next to him. The man then closed the book and sighed. "Well, he told me to meet him at the Belt tal-ikel Kingdoms capital. Which should be.. Nemo." The strange man began to walk away.

Sento then called out to the man. "Who are you?! This game world has been crazy and out of all the things I've seen I've never seen anyone do that!" He said, the man chuckled. "This isn't a game world kid. This real life. A universe simply collided with ours and has overwritten our laws, physics, etc. It has game like attributes, but it's definitely real life.. considering how you can't respawn. My name.. hmm.. my name is Emopa.. however, call me Dr. Abomination." He chuckled. "Just kidding!" He would then jump into the air and disappear.

At the capital of Pastros. Vatel was sitting in a local inn with his apprentice carrying a load of weaponry. "Room for two please." He said, sliding over some money. A little girl could be heard screaming behind him, when he turned around, said girl was on the floor, a mark on her face. "We ask you to get one thing, and you can't even do that?! You demi humans are useless through and through!" It was a girl that seemed to be part fox, before the man could hit her again, Vatel grabbed his wrist. "I advise against that." The man struggled to move his wrist away from Vatel's grip. He threw a punch with his free hand, but it didn't phase Vatel. "Leave." He let go of the man's wrist and he left. Kneeling down in front of the girl. "You okay?"

The girl seemed to be about 13 years old. She nodded and stood up and looked up at Vatel. "Thank you!" She smiled. "Here." Vatel said, handing the girl a pouch of money. "Go on and be safe you hear?" He said, the little girl nodding and running out of the inn. As she exited, Emopa entered. "Well.. look who it is." He said with a grin on his face. "What's with the mess? I saw a dude running out of here like he was scared."

"Oh, he was picking on some little girl.. I never got her name.." Vatel walked up to Emopa and gave him a firm handshake. "Ordered any rooms yet?" Emopa asked. "Yeah, for me and my apprentice, Yu." Yu waved in the back. "Ahh, I just sold some stuff so I'll buy my own room." He walked up to the inn keeper and paid for a room.

"Why should these guys get a room! Life what just fine till these.. 'players' showed up!" A man yelled. "What benefit are you all?! Just get out!" Emopa stared at the man, walking towards him and staring him down. His eyes a light green this time. "Watch your tone with me.. I'm not sure if he's changed but I'm not as forgiving at Vatel.." The man quickly shut up and went to resume his normal thing. Emopa then turned around and yawned. "I'm going to my room, I'm beat.." He waved to Vatel and went upstairs. Vatel sighed and chuckled. "He's become.. a bit more aggressive eh? Come on Yu." He walked upstairs and into his room. The two would then turn in for the night.

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