25: Discussion.

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Everyone was at the Immortal Manor, resting. Emopa was up with Ulrich, Static was with Flower in the garden, Vatel was training like usual, and the rest were asleep. Ulrich looked at Emopa. "We watched that battle and I must say, that sword was the best I've ever seen. Of course, I can recreate it, but better. What do you think?" Emopa thought of it, maybe switching from katanas for a change would be nice. He agreed and Ulrich recreated the weapon. "Now, ready to put that soul in it?" Emopa nodded and grabbed Oni's soul and put it inside the weapon. Just when he grabbed it, he was in an all-black space. "Shit.." Emopa coated his hands and mana armor before blocking an incoming attack from Oni. "On your feet, I like-'' Oni then got kicked in the face by normal Oni. "Leave him alone!" He said as Emopa stared. "You have to leave... His soul is filled with corrupted energy!" Before Emopa could even react, he felt a wave of corrupted energy over him. He tried his hardest to resist, which took all of his energy to do so. It wasn't long before he was back in the real world, breathing heavily. "Holy..."

Ulrich was next to him. "You alright?!" Emopa looked around his body, his right arm, which was the arm that was holding the sword had gained strange purple inscriptions and marking on it. He had been partially corrupted. "I'll bandage it up." Emopa sheathed his sword down the middle of his back as he went and bandaged up his arm. Joy then entered the room and smiled. "Hi! Come on you two, we have a meeting to discuss... All of the pure gods." She said in a quite serious tone, Ulrich and Emopa looked at each other before nodding. Heading to a place in God Valley called The Rest. It was a huge circular area that was meant to hold meetings, it was also meant for a relaxing spot. When they arrived, all of the present gods looked at them as they watched them walk by and sit with their group. Mayhem was the main one talking about the situation. "Alright, listen here shitheads, I'm gonna go over this and only once. First of all, thank these mortals for defeating Oni. He said, making Emopa, Mareth, and Vatel stand up. "They saved lives."

Everyone was silent and Mareth sighed before exerting his energy, which made everyone feel some pressure. "Clap." Some of the gods began clapping for the mortals and Mayhem made them sit back down again. "Alright, so, about the current situation. No good news. So let's start with the worst. Purity is thinking of declaring war on the corrupt gods. Simple as that. As you all know, the last generation of gods that were before we had a war as well known as the Inverted War. The reason it was called that was that so many corrupt gods became pure and vice versa. This war lasted for over 80,000 years, and the reason it was stopped was because Existence believed everyone was wiping out too many universes. As you all know, this war may last longer than the last since the number of universes and multiverses have increased by a ton since then." Every god looked a little worried. They were gonna have to start training Vergers and immortals alike. "Another piece of bad news." He snapped his fingers and a multiversal map appeared, containing about at least 85 universes. "Corrupted territory is expanding. Most disturbing of all, however, Rogue gods have started to become more active."

There was a commotion among everyone. Static then raised his hand. "What is it?" Mayhem asked. "What separates a Rogue god from the rest?" Mayhem chuckled. "Some of you may think that sounds dumb but some of you are too idiotic to grasp it. So, there are three main factions. Pure, Corrupt, and Neutral. However, there are three sides of gods that don't even have a faction. They're in a whole class of their own. Those being Sublime gods, Essential gods, and Rogue gods. Sublime gods are gods like Time, Space, Reality, Diverse, etc. Not all sublime gods are some crazy thing though. Like Code and Hatred. Rogue gods, however, are gods that strayed from all and turn the territories of other gods into a no man's land. They attack all gods, no matter what faction. Their goals are also unknown, there are 4 main threats as rogue gods. Those people are Plague, Chaos, Hemaeo, and one dubbed The Prisoner. I won't get into it, but 4 corrupt gods and 3 pure gods have fallen to Chaos. They even teamed up." Static shivered. "Wait, so you're telling me Chaos took on seven gods?!"

Mayhem nodded. "Rogue gods are in a league of their own. Anyways, last thing. Emopa, this relates to your clan, so listen up." The commotion then stopped. "An Abomination has awakened on a world where a god went missing." The commotion started again. "Shut up and listen! Apparently, the god has disturbed said Abomination, causing them to react violently, the god's body was mangled beyond recognition. So, be careful. We don't want another incident, also, under all circumstances, keep Emopa away from any and all Abominations. I advise we build up our numbers." Everyone began leaving as Mayhem dismissed them all. Emopa didn't even wanna ask. He didn't know there were others from his clan still alive. "Don't you think it's time to expand the guild guys? Or should I say the group?" Everyone nodded and Emopa stood up. "Alright, we leave tomorrow." Olkapo appeared behind Mareth and grabbed his shoulder. "You did great, my student. If you still wish to train with me, don't be afraid to ask." Mareth nodded before Emopa walked up to Olkapo. "I have a question... What's so different about my clan?" Olkapo stayed silent for a moment before sighing and opening a portal to his realm. Once everyone entered he closed the portal.

"You see... Abominations aren't like any other clan, first of all, they were natural Rivals of the Kagehara clan. Second of all, they were enemies of the gods. You see, Abominations are blood-lusted individuals that usually never attack unless provoked. What's odd about you, Emopa is that you can use magic. Abominations aren't even supposed to have magic." Emopa raised a brow. "Is that what's so bad about them?" Olkapo shook his head. "No. All Abominations are born with Authority Mana. Not only that, even the WEAKEST Abomination had to have 3 gods defeat it. They have unparalleled physical strength, technique, and everything. 6 universes got destroyed fighting one of those beasts. It wasn't even a strong one. However, your father caused what is now known as the last The Valley Apocalypse Incident." Emopa then got a little pissed. "What do you know about my old man?" Olkapo sighed. "Not a lot. Only that he was a monster. He was the only known person to nearly destroy god valley despite its massive size. He was declared the strongest of his people after all." Emopa tilted his head. "But why?" Olkapo then sighed. Chuckling.

"At the time, gods never really acknowledged mortals, nor even Abominations. However, a certain immortal under the protection of a certain god kidnapped your mother. Of course, this upset your father and he attacked the entirety of God Valley. This led to a bunch of gods including Purity attacking him, but they all lost. I tried fighting him, and he gave me this." He raised his shirt to reveal a huge scar around his chest. "In the end, he left with his wife, leaving about 43% of God Valley destroyed. That's all I know about your clan though." Emopa nodded and turned around. "Thank you." He never knew his father like that, he always thought he was a deadbeat since he was never there. Though maybe he just died. "Alright guys, think it's time to start recruiting?" They all nodded and Olkapo opened a portal back to Earth. "Start there." The group nodded and went off.

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