Chapter 3:Collecting and Vengeance.

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Sorra gave some detail on what happened after the collision. Apparently she initially had nowhere to go and she was kind of desperate for a job, so she took up one at a inn as a cook. Soon, she began making the dinner and dessert portions of the meals she made. People loved her food so much, that the inn started getting really popular. Business was BOOMING, so much so, that a royal caught wind of this and decided to try it out for themselves. When tasting the food, said royal was astonished, and offered Sorra an even higher paying job, at the very least paying 30 silver a week. It was an offer she couldn't turn down.

"Wow, so basically, you're rich?" Said Vatel, thinking of his budget. "So Vatel, what happened with you?" Emopa asked. Vatel thought back to it. "Well, when I left the city I just wandered and ate whatever I could find. I killed a couple of monsters to increase my level some, then I came across this hooded figure. He claimed that he knew the ways of a true assassin, and offered to teach me for free, however the training wouldn't be easy. I would need stealth so good that I was practically invisible. I still accepted the offer, and he helped me train my agility and footwork, stuff like that. What about you Emopa?"

Emopa shivered a little. "That old bastard.. when I first met him and he took me under his wing, he forcefully reconstructed my muscles and body so that I would be able to learn the style. Then, he made me train for hours and hours and hours on end. Weight training, agility training, awareness training. All of that. Then the techniques.. I had to learn so many different styles and techniques.. at least he taught me his." Emopa sighed. "So, is there anyone else in the area that we know?" Vatel asked, "Well, Ulrich has been getting pretty popular lately for the quality of his gear. Maybe you guys could see him? I would come as well, but I have to stay since I have to make dessert for these guys." Sorra stood up. "It was nice meeting you guys! Tell Ulrich I said hi!" She went back to the kitchen.

Emopa and Vatel both got up and made their way around town looking for Ulrich's shop. On their way there, a nearly dead wolf person could be seen wandering with a bow. "For.. THE LEADER!" He shot an arrow that happened to hit Yu's head, piercing him clean through the skull, causing him to fall back. It seems to have killed him instantly. Vatel felt a mixture of emotions. Guilt, sadness, but most of all, rage. Emopa grabbed his shoulder. "Don't worry.. don't get too upset yet.." He stood over the body, stretching out his hand. "Your soul.. let's move it.." A green orb came out of the body and Emopa grabbed it. "Vatel.. quick, pull out a weapon.." Vatel would open up his inventory and took out the great sword that the wolf leader left behind. Emopa would place the soul inside of the weapon.

"Okay, you have an Anima Weapon now, however, I'm not sure if it'll survive your swings, if it can, try not to swing it too much. I'm not sure if an Anima Weapon can handle your swings but more likely than not, it can." The two then made their way to see Ulrich. Once they reached the shop it said closed, but they found the door to be unlocked. They entered and found Ulrich, working on a weapon. "Who's there?" He looked up and looked at the two. It took a second for him to realize, but he did, he chuckled. "Who knew I would see you guys here..! How are you?"

"Ah.. well, it could be better, my apprentice just died.. but Emopa put his soul into my weapon." Ulrich thought for a moment. "You're a necromancer, Emopa?" Emopa nodded. "Let me see the sword.." Vatel handed Ulrich the sword and he examined it. He then started to have tears in his eyes. "Where did you get this..?" Ulrich asked. Vatel sighed. "I got it from a wolf pack leader.. beast man specifically, why, is it good?" He asked. Ulrich put the sword down and nearly started crying. "What the fuck is this shit? The quality is fucking horrible.. oh my God.." He slammed his fist against the anvil. "I'll make you another one." He stood up and wiped his face before walking to the materials section but found nothing. "Ahh.. well I ran out of ores.. I usually do the mining but I have some weapons to make.. here's a list of the stuff." He handed them both a list. Also giving them pickaxes. "Have fun."

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