Chapter 9:Let the Games Commence.

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The three days were up. It was time for the tournament. Vatel and Emopa sat in their designated areas in the field full of people. Vatel looked at Emopa with a rather concerned look. "Emopa, are you alright?" "You've been acting quite differently lately," Vatel said as he sighed. "You've been quiet and distant." Whenever we went on quests, you always stayed near the bodies for a little while longer. "Is it because you're a necromancer or something?" Emopa turned to him. "Yeah, I guess it is." Don't worry about it, though. I'm just curious is all." He said this, standing up as a man appeared in the center. "Alright, everybody. Change of plans The battlefield is the entire continent itself; however, you may not enter other kingdoms to battle. "Good luck, and let the games begin!" The man disappeared immediately, and people began to fight. Some swordsmen, martial artists, and magicians are all battling it out. Emopa and Vatel looked at each other and stood up, then the old man appeared next to them. "Hello there, boys." The two immediately got on guard, but Emopa calmed down. "Oh, it's you, old man. "You're participating too?" The old man nodded. "Yep, I am." He chuckled. "I heard we're able to team up; we just have to announce that we were a team at the end of everything." So, I'll be off minding my own business. "Good luck, you two." He then ran off.

Emopa looked at Vatel. "I'll also go. Good luck man. I heard this is also being broadcasted. So maybe we can show off and get famous." He joked before disappearing. Vatel looked around. "So you all just leave me huh? Whatever. They said it's the whole continent right." He jumped into the air. Immediately someone came from behind him and smacked him into the ground. "Ow.." The man that smacked him landed. He was the mage from the evaluation! "My name is Ovanair. I saw how you fought back at the evaluation and I must say your magic is impressive. You're also level 27 I see... that's fine! Cause I'm level 30." He laughed. "I was also holding back you know." He then tapped his staff on the ground. "Don't act like I can't fight close-range either.." Vatel tries checking the stats of the person. He was surprised to find out that most of it were put into strength and vitality. However, there was a lot put into magic. Vatel pulled out his sword, letting it drop onto the ground, which cracked when it connected. "Alright then." Vatel instantly appears in front of him and swung his sword at immense speed.

Ovanair blocked it with his staff. "Hm? It didn't shatter?" Ovanair laughed. "Of course not, it's coated with mana. You see here when you have enough mana, you can have mana armor. Of course, you can't see it cause you lack the mana." He chuckled and began to constantly clash with Vatel. He then jumped back. Now that Vatel got a good look at him, he was light-skinned with long golden hair and green eyes. He was an elf. He spun his staff around and tapped the ground. Fireballs appeared in the air, making Vatel laugh. "okay, come on now, you can't expect me to be defeated by that." He began to coat himself in shadows, it takes on the formation of armor. "Let's dance." He would dash towards him at immense speeds. "So this won't be so easy huh?" The mage threw his staff and got into a stance. "Shadow magic... I guess I'll counter the shadows with the light!" He grinned and dashed towards him at immense speeds, his fists light up and becoming light blades. Vatel swung his blade and clashed repeatedly with Ovanair. Their classes broke the ground beneath them before they began to move around. "Devil's Shadow," Vatel said as he touched the ground, it beginning to turn black. Ovanair grinned and swung his hand to the left, causing a light slash to go toward Vatel. Vatel barely dodged and jumped into the air. His blade beginning to get coated in shadow.

Ovanair jumped into the air as well, kicking Vatel into a dense forest. "I need an open field.." Ovanair then appeared behind him, his face covered while the only thing Vatel could see was a glowing yellow eye and a toothy grin. He then immediately swung at Vatel, laughing loudly. 'His swings are getting faster!' Vatel thought as he struggled to block them. "An opening!" Vatel grabbed Ovanair by the collar and headbutted him before stabbing him with his shadow-imbued blade. "Your blade is heavy, I'll give you that.." Ovanair said as he coughed blood. They were then in an open field all of a sudden before Vatel threw him off his blade. Ovanair slowly healing due to the light magic. "You think being out in the open will change anything?" He said, standing up. Readying his light emitted blades that came from his hands. Vatel then grinned and laughed. "Of course, it will! Lemme show you why."

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