Chapter 16:Roots.

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Mareth had a different experience from the rest. From the event that happened till now, he's been quite different. He was a Verger, a being that oversee a god's domain. In this case, Mareth was the Verger for the God of Fists, Olkapo. Currently, Mareth was falling through an endless black space. "I'll probably end up back in The Range." The Range was a collection of mountain ranges, the smallest mountain was at least the size of a small planet. Mareth was training till he was at least able to destroy the first mountain. After a while of falling, a portal opened and he fell through, now mid-air. He was upside down while falling, and he looked up, seeing that he had quite a way to go. "Alright, I guess we can do a little scan." He closed his eyes and felt the mana in the area. "Alright... This place has mana. There are no strong individuals as far as I know." He then felt quite strange. "Hm? Wait... There are no restrictions on me? Did sensei give me permission to go all out?" He flipped over and landed on his feet, causing a huge crater to form beneath him. "That was some hard fall."

He got up and exited the crater, he seemed to be in a field. "Ugh.." He groaned, making his way east. After a few days, he came across a village, no kingdom of anything, just a random, large village. People seemed to be making an honest living with themselves, someone noticed him and called out to their people. Everyone then seemingly scrambled away from a confused Mareth. Then, an old man walked out of a small house, walking towards Mareth with a hand behind his back. "Greetings traveler, what brings you to this village?" Mareth sighed. "Well, I'm a little lost so..." The old man nodded. "I see, you can stay in our village. You seem like quite the strong young man." The old man chuckled, Mareth nodded and grinned. "Yeah sure, I'll help out old man." The villagers then gasped before a girl walked up to him. "You don't speak to my grandfather like that?" The girl was a little shorter than Mareth. "He is the village chief! At least call him Mr. Uoa!" Mareth sighed. "I'm sorry, Mr. Uoa." The old man laughed. "It's fine, my granddaughter is like that all the time. Her name is Lilith."

Mareth smiled. "Nice to meet you, Lilith. So, is there anything I gotta do as payment to stay here?" The old man then thought. "Actually, yes. Could you defend the village? There's been a man wondering about it, he almost looks similar to you, except his hair and stuff was black." Mareth nodded. "Sure, I can help out." Mareth turned around and looked around the place, starting to feel an odd presence that immediately grew stronger. "Above!" He coated his entire arm in mana armor before taking an extremely hard hit from an unknown light-skinned individual. The hit was so hard in fact the ground beneath them cracked a little, not only did the ground crack, Mareth's mana armor cracked as well. Meaning this person's mana overwhelmed his own. "Shit..!" Mareth said as the person backed up. "So, Olkapo got a new student?" The man crossed his arms as Mareth raised a brow. "New student..? Who are you?" The man then grinned, "My name is Calo. My last name is of no importance." Mareth then walked up to the man and grabbed his shoulder. "What do you mean new student?" Calo then grinned, slapping his hand off of his shoulder. "Come back to me later when you're stronger. I'd hate to kill a student of his."

Mareth raised a brow and immediately got ready to fight. Calo, however, had a blank stare before an oppressive feeling filled the air. "I'll give you two years. At the end of that, it's a fight to the death." Calo them disappeared, the oppressive feeling disappearing. Mareth felt upset, but he did make a promise to protect these people. "Two years huh.." Mareth then left the village and headed deep underground into a large cave opening. He then sat down near a small underground pond and meditate for a while before a white aura began to form around him before shackles appeared on his ankles and wrists. These functioned as weights that held him down, whenever they would feel lighter, he would increase the weight again. He then sealed off the entrance to the cave opening with a wall. To test the wall, he punched it the hardest he could with the weights on, which broke his worst. It quickly healed, however, then his training began. He punched and kicked the air, practicing his magic to the point where his mana would deplete and he would become exhausted.

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