Chapter 18:Total Annihilation.

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It has been a month since everything happened. The relationship between The Kingdom of Food and the Underground Kingdom has grown tense over the past month and war was imminent. Each side was preparing their forces, which the Underground Kingdom, Mine-eral, was getting ready to invade. Meanwhile, the guild known as The Seraphim's Eyes has started to gain a lot of popularity. They were split into 6 divisions, with Emopa being the leader. They currently consisted of 57 members. Vatel was the first division commander, Mareth was the second, Sorra was the third, Fox was the fourth, Static was the fifth, and Ulrich was the sixth. "You sure this is the day, Ruek?" Vatel asked as he stared at him. "Yes, I'm sure of it. The enemy should arrive in about 5 minutes. We're being stationed outside of the kingdom." Outside the kingdom's walls, there was an open field. The enemy kingdom marched in, banners and flags waving. In response, the army guarded the castle walls, ready to defend. The group stood there, Sorra, Fox, and Ulrich stayed back for support. The two forces now stood across from each other, everyone being tense about the fight. Meanwhile, in the castle, someone had opened Emopa's seal.

"Emopa... Please, don't kill innocents." The person said as Emopa called for his weapon, the Odachi appearing in his hand. "No promises." He said blankly as he walked outside. He then disappeared, everyone outside felt his energy however, instantly, a blade was slammed into the ground, leaving a slight crack as it landed. Emopa then landed next to it, cracking the ground even further. Everyone backed up from him, but the group all greeted him, he seemed different, however. His hair was now in a ponytail, and one of his eyes was green, he was also a full human this time. "Are we all ready?" He asked, everyone, nodding. "Yeah!" The enemy forces stared down the other side, ready to attack. A man with a Greatsword on a horse came into view. "My men! Are you ready to defend your friends, family, and loved ones with your lives?!" Everyone yelled in agreement, "We move forward! We defend! I, General Teru, will lead my people to victory!" Before they could start trying, the ground began to shake. "Huh?" A cloud of debris could be seen in the distance, then a strange pressure could be felt, causing everyone to sweat.

"He's here... Oni!" Yakon yelled and Oni landed between the two sides. He had red pupils with a teal iris, the same colored hair, and mainly teal and red clothing. He turned around and stared at the enemy forces. "You all don't need to exist." He disappeared and instantly, the majority of the people in the enemy forces were killed. Everyone's eyes widened before Oni walked out, humming quietly. "Hm?" He felt a sword hit him in his head. It was a normal sword from a random knight, and that sword broke. "Cute." He placed his hand on the man's chest. "Consume." Long tendrils came out of the man's back and a mouth as well. Which began to devour him. "Weak..." He then felt a kind of energy. "A Verger!" Mareth appeared in front of him, throwing a swift punch, which he blocked with his knife. "What..?" Mareth said as Oni grabbed his wrist, dodging a bullet from Reuk and blocking a slash from Vatel, who had appeared behind him. "Nice reflexes!" He complimented them and slashed off Mareth's arm and was ready to stab Vatel, but luckily he already jumped back. Mareth regenerated his arm and glared at Oni.

"Come on!" He grabbed one guy by the face and slammed him to the ground before stabbing him. "Fight me!~" He then disappeared and reappeared with a trail of blood behind him. He laughed more before he heard the sound of a horse running. "Eh?" It was General Teru, standing on a galloping horse, Greatsword in hand. "Die with Honor!" He yelled as Oni grinned swinging his knife horizontally and slicing off the horse's legs, causing it to fall. Teru jumped off. "You monster!" He ran towards Oni and brought his sword down, Oni dodging effortlessly. "How could you kill others so easily?!" He swung his sword constantly, Oni parrying with his knife each time. He stayed quiet. "You killed them without remorse, mercy, or guilt! You're nothing but complete evil! You laughed while taking the lives of the innocent!" Oni then grabbed his sword. Looking at him. "The weak don't deserve to live." That made Teru's blood boil, "The strong are meant to protect the weak! What kind of ideology do you follow?! You're flawed!" Teru jumped back, but just when he did, a giant slash mark appeared on his chest, making him cough blood and hold his wound. "I won't... Die to a monster like you! The determination to protect those weaker than I makes me stronger!" He readied his sword. "Blood magic, Endless Fight!" His armor became stained with blood and he grew a blood helmet. He then dashed towards Oni at such a speed that it took Oni by surprise and off guard. Instead of tanking the blow of swing, he dodged, landing on the sword.

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