38:Investigation (2)

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Regalia was sitting next to Plague on the arm of his throne as she stared up at the bloodstained marble roof. There was also a skylight that let a bright blue starlight shine through. "We've done thorough research on Emopa. Turns out he rejects his lineage and rarely ever uses the strength of the Abominations. However, during this year, he's sort of grown more in tune with the dark, causing him to slowly release more and more of that strength. However, his personality is divided into two parts, the normal, introverted Emopa who only protects his friends.

Then, you have the Abomination side, that actually seeks refuge and freedom for his people." Regalia said as Plague leaned back his head. "How... Chivalrous." Regalia stared at Plague before she blinked, staring Emopa in the eye. "So why... Why does your energy feel so sinister, even for someone who's slowly being seeped into The Dark..." Emopa chuckled. "Hm... Maybe it's cause I'm feeling young again? Dunno!" He said as a large gash appeared on Regalia's chest. "What?!" She looked down at the wound before looking back up, Emopa punching her out of the castle. She regenerated easily, obviously. "What the..." She dodged an attack by Doc.

"Summons... You're a necromancer!" Whilst they were in the air, Emopa stepped on her face. "Took ya that long to realize?" Emopa used gravity magic on himself to increase his weight. Regalia tried to move him, but it was useless. The two crashed onto the ground, Emopa dashed back and dodged a spear thrust from his adversary. He did a backflip as she slammed the poll onto the ground. "Come on, verger!" He laughed as he saw a dragon-like creature rush toward him. He summoned Rot, watching him dash toward the creature and slash it into four sections.

Emopa summoned Doc's large scalpel in the air to block a swing from Regalia. "Finally embracing who you are, eh?" She said, Emopa turning around. "Just a little." He chuckled and swung his katana at her, but she blocked the hard swing landed on her feet, the two beginning to constantly clash with one another. "You're barely trying, are you?" Regalia asked as she was struggling against Emopa's strength, the ground starting to crack beneath her. "Bingo!" He summoned a gravity well 7 meters behind her to pull her back. She flipped upside down only to be met with a blue fireball.

She immediately blocked the attack and landed on her feet. She then blocked an Authority Mana coated attack that actually damaged her internally. 'This aggression!-' She was then flung through the castle, which soon began to get lifted in the air. "What the... Even with gravity magic of his level... No one should be able to manipulate the properties of a realm... Unless!-" Emopa was sitting behind her, "Finally guessed eh?" Regalia swung her staff, but Emopa grinned widely and grabbed it, causing a huge gust of wind to be blast from the impact.

"There's no way you're doing that while fighting!" Emopa sighed. "Damn right I am." He broke her staff and kicked her in the gut, knocking her out as he sent her flying into a tree. "That's one sturdy tree..." He closed his eyes and opened them as they went from orange to a purple pupil and a green iris. "By expanding your mana out in such a way, you can set up Mana Links with the realm. These soon engrave themselves into the realm itself until the realm is subjugated, normally this process takes months, even years for the most experienced of gods."

Regalia came to and looked up at him. Emopa had his arms crossed as he stared down at her. "For me, however, I am an anomaly. I managed to subjugate the realm just now." Regalia growled. "That's IMPOSSIBLE!" She got up and impaled him with the spear. She then took off her blindfold to reveal bright pink eyes that shocked Emopa's soul before throwing him. "Ugh... He wants control... Just because he's gotten a little bit stronger over the past year, he thinks he can take on the world." He closed his eyes and they were back to normal.

Emopa dodged a spear thrust and impaled her, but once he blinked, it was Sorra. "Emopa..?" Emopa's eyes widened and he pulled out the blade immediately. "Sorra!" He then dodged another spear strike as Sorra melted and Regalia appeared again. Meanwhile, the actual Sorra was with Tuku. They were both exploring a dense Fae Forest in the North region where there were rumored to be portals. Sorra looked around and seemed to lose Tuku. "Tuku?" She called out as she continued to walk. Tuku then dropped down from a tree and yelled. "BOO!" Sorra screamed and immediately punched him in the face.

His face planted into the ground and she immediately helped him up. "I'm sorry!" She said, looking up at him. "It's fine..." He said, looking into her eyes. The two blushed a little and looked away. "Lets go!" The two continued to look around until they found some footprints and bloodstains. Meanwhile, Ruek and Kami were in the desert. "Shit... No sign of a portal anywhere here." Ruek said as he sent shadow raptors to scan the area. "They actually found something." The two ran toward an abandoned village, a portal in the center of it. "Hmm..."

Kami walked up to it, watching chunks of flesh that wiggled around. There was then some groaning as villagers stepped out of their houses, seeming like mindless zombies. "Whatever came out of the portal, clearly wasn't good," Ruek said as he summoned shadow revolvers. Kami grinned and his snake unhinged its jaw, spitting up a spear. "Awesome." He grinned as the two began to fight the zombies. Back at where Regalia and Emopa were fighting, they were clashing. Except Emopa seemed pissed. She swung the spear at him but he dodged and punched her in the gut.

She tried to land on her feet but had to block a stomp from him. Her arms were bruised from the block, but she got grabbed and felt a little odd. "He's... Grabbing my soul?" He lifted her in the air and punched her in the stomach, a tiny flow of black mana flowed from his fist. Regalia coughed up blood as she got thrown into the air. 'An incomplete Spectral Shock!' she looked to her left and saw the castle get thrown toward her. She sliced it in half but got slammed onto the ground. "I've always wanted to try something..."

He summoned a large reality marble to his left and a gravity well to his right. "A singularity can even warp the laws of reality itself, creating something that's not meant to exist. Since it is not meant to exist, it doesn't. However, I can breach the laws of non-existence and existence." His eyes went red as he grinned. "Soon... I will attain MY freedom!" He said as his eyes went back to normal as he combined the two orbs, creating a black sphere behind him. "Formless in shape, anomalous in nature."

He combined it with lighting magic and turned it into a spear. "I can't touch it yet, but that's okay." He grinned and pointed at her. "Formless Javelin." He fired the javelin at her and Regalia watched as her vision faded to white. Emopa watched as a black dome formed and a large shockwave followed suit. Emopa dodged back as the explosion grew, a massive crater being left behind. He went to Regalia, who was lying lifeless on the ground. "How about you serve someone new?" He said as he extended his hand, a dark green mist surrounded her body before the missing parts regenerated.

"You'll make a good summon." He said as he grinned. He then felt a sharp pain all over his body, throwing up blood as he coughed violently. 'Shit! The process is complete, but not only is she actively attacking mana points, but obtaining the realm is putting strain on my body!" He increased his mana output to subjugate Regalia, while also trying to obtain the realm. Meanwhile, everyone met up. "Okay, what did you guys find after Emopa sent that picture." Ruek answered, "Me and Kami found an abandoned village in the desert. There were zombies and some flesh at the base of the portal."

Vatel nodded. "Okay, I found one on a beach shore. No one was around, the markings were different from what he sent though." Sorra raised her hand. "Me and Tuku found one in the jungle. The markings were the same." Fox, Ulrich, and Amy said that they went to the ice region and found 4 different portals scattered across that region. "Okay, so it looks like the flesh grows in hotter regions than most," Hugo said. "Me, Static, Yami, and the rest never found anything." All of a sudden, a strange pressure was felt. Everyone was on guard and stared at the man walking toward them, he had orange eyes and long black hair, just like Emopa.

"Hm? I finally found you guys." He said as Vatel looked at him, "Who are you?" Emopa then landed behind them. "I'm back guys!" He said as he stared at the man. "Wait..." The man then smiled softly. "It's been a while, son."

(Authors Note:I need to do better world building ;-;)

Magical Heritageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें