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The assistant for Purity, Mena, fixed her glasses and braced herself as she walked into the council room. Filled with Pure gods, and Pure Neutral gods. She took a deep breath. "I'm deeply sorry for calling you all here today on such notice! However, this is extremely important." She sighed. "There is only one piece of good news out of this, so I'll get that out of the way. As you all know, Light Bearer, Murin Kagehara has perished in a valiant effort to destroy The Dark Bearer, Vex. In which he succeeded. However, this was in a Final Stand."

Some gods, especially Yumi looked kind of depressed. She had a locket of the both of them together. "The Light Flag Bearer, Alyssa has buried him on Paradise World Murin's watch, named after him in his much-needed efforts. Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's all I have to speak of. First, Plague has begun moving in odd patterns, he has also killed the god of Fire, Inferno, and the Neutral god Divergence. We also know that he has a barrierless Realm Outbreak, which infects everyone 80 light-years away from the initial point."

Everyone seemed deeply concerned, but she kept going. "He has also killed the God of The Undead, Scourge, and infected him, using his body as a puppet. We also have decent suspicion that he is currently targeting Emopa." All the gods looked and whispered at each other. "Corruption has intercepted both Peron and Berserk. Corrupting Peron, Berserk was killed by an Abomination that attacked the two. Neo and Flame were also there. Speaking of, Abominations have been attacking immortals and gods a lot in a recent surge in activity. This might be due to the Dark Bearer as they have connections."

"Last but not least, Olkapo is dead." Tammy, The Goddess of Frost's eyes widened and she stood up. "WHAT?! HOW?" Mena coughed and fixed her glasses. "He was attacked by a former training partner. In the end, his world had been partially burned, and he has perished. The Verger Mareth will be taking his place once the attacker is dead." The gods were whispering to each other, but Alyssa went and took the stand. "Listen! I know it may seem like we're losing this battle, but we must not lose hope! These people died protecting others all their lives. They would be proud of you guys for staying strong."

One god then spoke up, Kaliope, The Trickster God. "What chance do we have?! The corrupt side is plotting something and we can't get intel! Not only that, the Light Bearer just died! What chance DO WE HAVE? Plague is out there running amuck and gaining influence!" Alyssa sighed. "Our ray of hope could be Vatel Kagehara, as he has been selected by Murin to be the next Bearer of Light. Speaking of, Emopa Abomination has been selected by Vex to be the next Dark Bearer." Purity then stood up. "Those two are friends though..."

Alyssa raised a brow. "Excuse me?" Purity coughed. "They're extremely close friends, I highly doubt they would take up the mantle." Alyssa sighed. "Kageharas and Abominations are doomed and destined to fight and kill each other. Even the Goddess of Destiny herself thinks it's only natural, they will split in due time. How it happens, we'll just have to wait and see. Thank you." She stepped off the stand as Mena was about to end the meeting, however, Shadow and Flame appeared sitting on the podium. Everyone gasped, and the two of them stood up. "Listen, we've done a little bit of digging on the Abominations, and found out why they're so fundamentally different from every living thing."

Mimi, a Researching goddess immediately took out some notes. "First of all, the first 80 Abominations weren't created by gods, not took an evolutionary path. They were made by the remnants of mana from a foe me and Shadow fought in an existence before you all." The gods whispered amongst each other. "This adversary was known as Future Flame. He nearly won his battle against the both of us, however, even though we erased his existence, the traces of his mana are still very strong.

Hence, we're always on missions to defeat horrific creatures. The Abominations not only inherit his bloodlust and sadism, but one has the potential to wipe us all out. Those 'Ones' are known as The Dark Bearers. The Kageharas were specifically made evolutionary to counter them. As if The Light changed their influence." Purity shook his head. "Wait, there was an enemy you two BARELY managed to beat?" Shadow nodded. "Correct. If we didn't have Existence's power, we would've been wiped out." A god then spoke up. "So what do we do?" Flame waved him off and chuckled. "I wanna see it all play out, so don't interfere, got that?" Flame narrowed his eyes at the gods before nodding.

Shadow was about to protest, but Flame shushed him. "It'll be fun to watch, who knows, we may even get a good fight out of it." He said to Shadow as he began to walk off. "M-meeting adjourned," Mena said as Shadow walked next to Flame. "Something doesn't feel right... Not in this existence but the way Future Me went out... If his existence was completely erased there should be no traces of mana..."

Shadow nodded. "So either we messed up, or he's still alive somewhere." Flame nodded, "Not alive in THIS existence, but I feel like he's alive somewhere beyond..." Shadow nodded. "I see... Wanna go eat?" Flame nodded. "Yeah."

Meanwhile, The Spire King was sitting there in his chains, laughing. "They're onto you! Flame." Future Flame was standing there, his hair now purple. "Eh? I'm just enjoying my time here, peace, and quiet."

Meanwhile, The Seraphims Eyes were getting ready for another adventure.

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