Chapter 7:Battle for The Judge.

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After the conversation with Rot, Emopa went out to look for Vatel. Fortunately he was standing with Ulrich outside of his shop. "Okay.. so that makes four of us found.. we need Static, Mareth, and Fox. Assuming that Fox would reside in the royal court. We have no idea where Mareth and Static are though." Ulrich said as he sighed and leaned back.  "Man.. so this is our new life now eh?" Vatel sighed as well before turning to Emopa. "Any ideas on how to get the two back?" Emopa thought of something. "We'd have to ask the higher ups for something like that.." There was then someone yelling. "Hey everyone! The annual Morale Royal is coming up! Winners get a wish of their choice from the king himself! Flyers are taped to building! Make sure to sign up for a chance!" The three looked at each other and Ulrich stood up. "Well.. you two got that.. I must continue serving my customers- WAIT! I CAN USE THIS AS A CHANCE TO PROMOTE MY BUSINESS!" Emopa chuckled. Vatel and Emopa went out and looked at the flyer. They were suppose to meet in the Hall of Heroes to sign up. "Well, let's go." Vatel said as they made their way to the Hall of Heroes. It was pretty crowded in there. There were portraits of former and current top heroes in front of them was a crowd of people just waiting to be accepted. Vatel and Emopa Emopa would walk up to two receptionists once it was their turn. The lady looked up at Vatel, looking quite intimated by his looks but pressed on anyways. "H-hello there sir! Will you be taking the evaluation today?" Vatel nodded and followed the lady to a white room, Emopa following right behind them. There was a magical entity that would test and evaluate the person's capabilities. There was a man using different kinds of magic on it, he seemed to be a mage. He beat the creature with relative ease and he was declared a B rank mage. He walked out the room happily. Other onlookers were excited to go and show off their abilities, however, Vatel was up next. He would enter the room and would come face to face with a summoned Man Beast, this one obviously being similar to the wolf people he fought before. He stared at it.

"Ahhh, it's you ugly bastards again." The beast man roared at him and began to charge at him. It tried to claw him but instead got punched directly in the face. Sending it flying back and into the wall, killing it instantly. The crowd stood there shocked as he left. He got the A+ Rating. Emopa went down and began to slowly look around as a giant orc was summoned. "Orcs are just in love with me huh? Very funny." He said sat as he turned around. "I'm finished." He sighed before beginning walk away. The crowd seemed awfully confused. "Where is he going?" All of the sudden the orcs head came clean off. Everyone was stunned. They didn't even see him move. He got the S rating. "Vatel.. you know you were holding back. Don't tell me you're trying to get a low rank on purpose." Vatel chuckled. "No, of course not!" They then were entered into another room, this time, filled with strong looking people. A man dressed in a suit of armor came to take a stand up on the stage that laid in front of them. He looked around at everyone standing on the marble flooring and looked up at the cathedral like ceiling.

"Greetings, my fellow warriors. You have proven yourself worthy of this tournament to boost the kingdoms morale. You are all very brave. The tournament will start in 3 days. Till then, you can prepare. Now, the rules. You must NOT kill anyone, under ANY circumstances." The man said in a rather serious tone. "You can injure them, however if the injury proves to be fatal, they are to receive immediate care. Should they die you will be disqualified and pressed with charges. The second rule, if you are a mage, no summons are allowed as it gives an unfair advantage. Third rule, all battles will take place in Reko Plains, it is a very large area with tons of forest and stuff like that. Fourth rule, if you go out of bounds you are disqualified. Winners get any wish of their desire." The man then bowed. "You may all return here in three days. Until then, be sure to prepare yourself." Everyone took his words to heart and began to set out to do quests and stuff like that. However, Vatel and Emopa went to look for Fox. They went to check the royal court house and there she was, reading a book and sitting down. She looked up from her book and her eyes widened. "Guys!" She stood up from her seat and jumped down from the elevated area. "How have you guys been? I haven't seen you since when!" The book she had was floating next to her. Emopa noticed and chuckled. "You got a magic book too?" Fox smiled and nodded. "I named it Judgments Hand!" Vatel seemed a little confused. "You can name magic books?" "Yeah, it makes the book more powerful somehow." Emopa seemed interested. "Okay then! I'll name my book later. Until then, we're participating in the tournament to get you and Sorra out of here!"

Fox chuckled. "Oh? Good luck then! In all honesty there's more crime here than you think. Recently we've been cracking down on some illegal magic item trades. You know.. they'll pay you some good money to crack down on this sort of stuff. Who knows, maybe you get to keep some of the stuff. So, wanna help? It might be worth your while, though you do have three days to investigate since the tournament starts in three days." The two nodded. "Any info so far?" Vatel opened her book and scavenged through it. "Ah! Recently we found that these people have been using this lab to sort of experiment on monsters and whatnot. We've gotten some Intel that they're in possession of some illegal magical items and even slaves. It's near the underground kingdom." Emopa then stopped her. "You know about that place?" Fox nodded. "Yeah, it actually has very tense relations with this kingdom due to some past beef. Quite unfortunate yes, and they're planning for war." Vatel looked at her. "That isn't apart of the game.. a lot of aspects are similar to the game but the events aren't... We should find everyone before that war happens." Fox nodded and sighed. "Well, get ready and go out. Be safe.. make sure you win that tournament!" Fox said as the two walked out.

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