27: Fight for Life.

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The crew then split up, static staying right where he was. "Hey, after this, you guys wanna head to a beach if there is one? We've been training and fighting nonstop, don't ya think it's time for a break of sorts?" He asked as he summoned three balls, juggling them. Yami and Kami looked at each other and grinned. "My brother, Kami can't use magic, but he's strong physically. We're not strong like the abominations however, those guys are absolute monsters out there." Yami said as he laughed. Static grinned and pointed towards Emopa. "That's an abomination right there y'know." Emopa raised a brow and grinned. "Yeah, but trust me, I'm not physically strong like that, but I can use magic." The twins looked at each other and Kami walked past Static. "He's unawakened.." Yami nodded and summoned a knife in his hand. "I'll take care of this one. If I lose we'll join them, okay? Awaken that man right there." Kami nodded and smiled. "I may not have magic, but at that price, my senses to mana and overall senses are heightened. Not only that, but I also happen to be in very good relations with a certain familiar you know."

Kami grinned and whistled, a snake appearing from behind him. It coiled around his torso and rested its head on his shoulder. "This little guy is lolo. Treat him with respect." He said as the snake opened up its mouth and spit out a pair of gauntlets. "Lolo's mouth is an entirely separate dimension from its actual body, and it doesn't need to eat." The snake itself was no more than 10 feet. The gauntlets it spit out were equal to the size of Kami's hands. Almost like gloves. Before the two could fight there was a loud crash. Static was getting put on edge by Yami. He swung his knife a few times which static dodged, but before he could even attack he got grabbed and dragged across the ground before getting thrown into a tree. Emopa checked Kami's stats but he couldn't see them. They were back in the game universe, however, it seemed that they could only see the stats and names of others and items. Everything else was still life-like. "Disassemble." The knife in Yami's hand broke apart and seemingly turned into dust. Static seemed confused before a large slash appeared on his shoulder. "What?!"

Yami didn't say anything. "What? Think I'm gonna tell you how my abilities work?" He grinned and summoned another knife, dashing toward Static. Meanwhile, Emopa was dodging and parrying blows from Kami. He looked like he was having the time of his life. "Come on! Why do you look so depressed and dead!! Why so serious? You're missing the bloodlust of an Abomination." He said, landing a hit on Emopa's gut. He then threw a barrage of punches before grabbing him and jumping into the air, kicking him quite far back. The rest of the group watched and Sorra turned to Hugo. "So, what do you think?" She asked, Hugo, rubbing his chin. "Those two are kind of crazy. They're giving one of your friends and your leader a run for their money." Tuku was sweating a bit. "Wait a minute, your leader is an Abomination? He can use magic though..." Mareth turned to him. "Do you know any information about them?" Tuku nodded. "Yeah, in existence, there exists about a few thousand of them. About 3,000. They all exist in different periods. There used to be trillions of them, but ever since the First Dark Bearer started making his moves, they were exterminated."

Mareth nodded. "Now they're oppressed and said to be killed on sight for any god since the Abominations want to abolish the system of Gods and make this existence godless with the contingency plan to make a dark bearer bear the weight of everything and become existence itself. That is their ultimate salvation. They've grown strong enough to the point where one abomination would require two to three gods to kill. The dark bearer has remained in this existence since his indoctrination. Since then he has been the reason the influence of The Dark has rapidly spread." Mareth nodded and sighed. "So what if Emopa awakens?" Tuku rubbed his head. "Well, all abominations are linked from their primordial ancestor which is the dark bearer. Once an Abomination has awakened they are automatically known by others as well as their potential, same with Kageharas." Emopa parried a few more punches before kicking Kami in the gut and sending him flying back. "What is this odd feeling? Whatever, Oni, get ready to switch." There was no response however. "Oni?" Kami then appeared behind Emopa with a hammer. He coated it and enhanced it with mana, so when he hit Emopa, the damage was a lot.

Emopa fell to the ground. Static, however, was sitting on top of Yami, sighing. "I'll admit, you'll make a great addition to the team. You and your brother." Static said as Yami squirmed and sighed. "Yeah yeah. Kami, let's go! He won." Kami turned around and sighed. "Ugh... So much for an Abomination. You failure..." Kami walked towards his brother and the rest of the group went over to Emopa. "I must admit... Your leader is a bit underwhelming." Tuku said as he rubbed his head. "Oh trust me, this has happened a lot," Vatel said as he crossed his arms. Meanwhile, Emopa was in his consciousness, both sides of Oni on the ground. "What happened to you two." Pure Oni pointed to a figure standing on top of the black ocean they were all in. The sky was a dim blue. There stood Emopa, though he looked different from the actual Emopa. He appeared to have long black hair, and black eyes with a red pupil and purple iris, and he seemed to be wearing all black. "I'm tired of seeing us lose like this. Once you embrace who you truly are, you'll become stronger."

Emopa rubbed his eyes. "Who are you? You're not me... That bloodlust is unreal..." The other Emopa chuckled. "I'm indeed you, more specifically, your Abomination side finally starting to awaken. We're a part of a special bloodline, you and I. We're meant to be the future of our race, and bring peace to all Abominations across this existence by purging every single god in this land!" Emopa sighed and turned around. "Yeah right, I don't help people I don't kn-" The Abomination then grabbed him and everything went black. Outside, everyone felt a strange energy while feeling Emopa's mana disappear completely. "What? Did he die?" Hugo asked as Emopa stood up. "Hm... Okay... It appears I need to engrave more of myself into this body to start using magic. A simple ritual could fix that." Everyone immediately backed up and got into fighting stances. The energy immediately became stronger, so much so that everyone, everywhere could feel it." Purity (or Puron) sat on his throne and covered his eyes. "Oh no..." Olkapo was training when he felt the energy, "Oh... Kai. Your son finally awakened... This isn't good, heh." Meanwhile, a family of 4 was almost brewing with excitement. "Mama! Do you feel that?"

A woman cooking dinner nodded. "Yes, I do sweetie. Our savior will be here soon." Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a figure smiled at a man. "Do you feel it, my lord?" The man nodded. "The time is near." Scourge, Emopa's master, sat on a pile of bones, playing a bone-made guitar. "I feared this would happen." Back at where the group was, Emopa looked around and pointed at Kami. "You wanted me to awaken, here I am!" He said, disappearing and punching Kami in the gut, making him spit up blood and sending him flying back. "My brothers and sisters, I have awakened, we will soon meet." He then closed his eyes and Emopa opened them again, his eyes seeming normal. "Oni? You guys awake?" Normal Oni then responded, "Yeah... We're fine." Everyone was stunned and Emopa looked around. "What? What happened?" Yami seemed excited while Tuku seemed terrified. It seems like everyone else was just surprised. Before Static could say something, Tuku shushed him, in hopes that he wouldn't reawakened, if that's how it worked. "Lemme check these guy's stats..." He checked Tuku, Hugo, Yami, and Kami's stats, they were all players. "Oooh... Alright guys! Shall we continue?"

Yami helped up his brother and healed him up, Static smiled. "Yeah, we could go to a beach, we've been fighting a lot so... A break would be nice."

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