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Emopa sat at a long table filled with different Abominations. His legs were crossed he watched everyone chatting with each other. "Alright guys, after some thorough research, I found out how to achieve our goal." Everyone then went quiet, Scarlet looking at him. "Wait... Already?" Emopa nodded, "Yeah. Here's how. First, we need a certain weapon to kill existence without wiping ourselves out, and after some research, that weapon is The Dagger of Eternity. It's a weapon that would drain Existence of his powers, not only would it be easy to kill him, but once we do, existence won't be wiped out."

Zen's eyes lit up, "Really?! Since you have the Dark Armory, you can just attack, right?" Emopa shook his head, "You see, aside from that weapon, there are nine other weapons that aren't in the dark armory. I would have to combine said weapons to even make the Dagger of Eternity." A woman holding two kids then spoke up, "What're the nine weapons?" Emopa sighed, "First, Ludwig's Blade of Moonlight. Second, Death's scythe." Zen cut him off, "Wait, you're gonna take on the God of Death? Doesn't like... Death not apply to him?" Emopa nodded, "You're right."

"Which is why I'll use this." He took out the sword that Vex had. "I heard it cuts concepts. Meaning if I cut death, then it'll do one of two things. It'll only apply to death himself since he is the absolute concept of death, and kill him, or it erases him, and death as a concept ceases to exist for anyone." The mother then asked, "What will you do?" Emopa sighed, "I'll take on the burden of Death. Anyways, third weapon, Flame's Blade of The King-" Kai then interrupted, "Fighting Flame will no doubt be one of your hardest challenges."

Emopa nodded, "Fourth weapon, Shadow's Black Katana. Legend has it that it was a weapon before this existence created by the previous god of space." Kai seemed worried. "Son, Flame by himself is actually impossible to kill. Legends have it that even death itself holds him down for a second before he comes back." Emopa grinned, "I'll seal him, granted I need to catch him off guard with it, which will be the hardest part. Shadow is barely killable, he's like a Kagehara only turned up to eleven. I heard his strength physically is greater than the Abominations themselves." Zen raised a brow. "Oh? I wanna fight him..."

Emopa coughed, "Alright, the last five people are unsealable. Fifth is The Time Trio's chained dagger. Sixth is Vlad the Impaler's Lance, Seventh is King Arthur's Excalibur, and Eighth is an old friend of mine. Ruek's All Dark Bow." Scarlet raised a brow, "What's the last?" Emopa sighed, "Yumi's Arsenal. Believe it or not, though it may seem like a variety of weapons, it's all one. Specifically in her Fallen form." Zen sighed, "I can only wish you luck, these people aren't weak by any means, except for that Ruek dude." Emopa shook his head.

"The potential is there, chances are he'll awaken when he's on the ropes." A person then burst in, looking to be in a hurry, he whispered something into Scarlet's ear. She then burst up from her seat and yelled, "THEY ATTACKED A VILLAGE?" Everyone seemed surprised yet worried. "Y-yes ma'am, a group of 7 gods attacked an Abomination village... However, one Abomination stood out, as he's a ranged type." Emopa stood up, "I think it's time we put this plan into action, starting with Ludwig." He said, walking to the balcony. "Tell me what you know."

The man nodded and explained how gods attacked an outpost for Abominations trying to live in peace, however, 2 out of the 7 left alive, as an Abomination only known as Deadeye shot them with a bow and arrow. "Impressive." He grinned and looked down at the town below. A black rift opened next to him, and a megaphone with some strange markings dropped into his palm. "My fellow Abominations, a settlement was attacked, by a few gods, and out of the 300 placed there, the gods managed to eliminate 26." The people seemed worried and upset, "No worries though."

Scarlet looked at Emopa, her eyes widening as she saw him smiling, one of his eyes being red. "For far too long our enemies have looked to the stars and the light for inspiration. I swear, their lives, their hope, their cultures. I will snuff them all out, no longer will there be any hope. They may pray to whatever God they believe in, it won't save them from US." The people began to cheer, Emopa dropped the megaphone, and he laughed. "Rea, Zen, Scarlet, Dad, we're gonna recruit some Abominations. Then, we're gonna target our first weapon user." They all nodded and Rea opened a rift.

"Let's go!"

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