Chapter 14:The Boy and The Fallen.

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Static dropped into a dense forest, it was night time and it was pretty cloudy too judging by the lack of stars in the sky. He was heavily injured and the burn marks on him were pretty severe. If anything, he was on the verge of death. The stab wound was failing to heal, as he never had regeneration or healing magic despite being a yokai. He ended up closing his eyes and began to embrace the cold feeling of death, that was until he heard voices call out. "Hey! We found someone!" The voices began to sound like nothing but muffled sounds to Static. He slowly closed his eyes and fell unconscious. He awoke in this strange field, his sounds healed. He felt strange, however. "Where am I?" There, he saw Yakon. "Oh, you're here kiddo? It must mean you're unconscious, or you're dead." He said as he sighed. Static shook his head. "I can't be dead... I'm a Yokai... Why am I able to even die?" Yakon thought about it. "You can still be a yokai and have a mortal body." Static stayed quiet as his body began to fade. "Oh... I'm coming back. Bye, Yakon." He waved.

"See ya, kid." Yakon chuckled and Static woke up in a house. A small lightbulb hanging over him. To his left, a person with an eye patch was staring at him while sitting in a chair. "Oh. You're awake. What's your name son?" The man asked, Static seemed hesitant at first but he sighed. "My name is Static." His wounds were healed, it was pretty advanced healing magic. "Woah..." The man chuckled. "My name is Finn, the healing was done by Casey, you should thank her if you appreciate it." Static looked around. "Where am I?" Finn stood up, he seemed to be in his 50s, however, he seemed quite fit. "Ahh, you're at the Restoration base. A place where revolutionaries from different countries come together." Finn took out a phone and texted someone, Static was surprised. It seemed like he was back in the modern age. However, something wasn't right. "Wait, revolutionaries?" Finn nodded. "The leaders of the world have turned against their people. Those greedy bastards." Finn then helped up Static and signaled him to follow him. "Let's go. Let me introduce you to the rest." He opened a door and went outside into a backyard. Humming quietly.

There, around 6 people sat. "These are the guys and gals. Serv, he's our scout. Maple, she's our brains. Casey is our marksman. Jack, our craftsman. Jackie, our mechanic, and last, Mark. Our scientist." Static waved. "Hello! I'm Static... If you wanna know my full name, it's Static Crypt." Everyone then went silent. "Crypt..?" Maple asked as she looked at Mark. "Yep! Is there something wrong?" Mark then walked up to him. "May I run some tests?" Static seemed a little hesitant but nodded. Mark and Maple went inside the house to run some tests on Static. They found that he had a higher-than-normal amount of radiation coming from him, not by a lethal amount, however. "Holy shit!" Mark yelled before running out of the house. "Guys get in here!" He called for the rest who immediately rushed in. "What's wrong?!" Finn said as Mark looked at Static. "This one... He's been near an Abomination." Everyone went silent as their eyes widened. "Oh? You mean Emopa?" Maple shook Static. "You don't understand what an Abomination is do you?!" Static shook his head. "No... I don't." Mark sighed. "They're a clan of abnormally strong people." Static tilted his head.

"What makes them so abnormal?" Jackie rubbed her chin. "Well, first of all, they're all born with a strange kind of mana, that being authority mana. Second of all, they admit higher amounts of radiation than a normal human." Static raised a brow. "Okay?" Jack then interrupted. "Also, they're hellishly strong physically since they can't use magic, if they were to use magic it would spell doom for a civilization." Static then stopped him. "Wait! Emopa can use magic! Why's that?" Jackie began to sweat, "Either he's an anomaly or a hybrid... Anyways, the reason why Abominations are so feared is because of their unnatural strength and combat skills. A fully grown Abomination takes about at least 2 ascended ones (meaning gods, but appear as humans) to defeat a single one." Finn then added, "Thousands of years ago, this planet was greeted by an Abomination. It was more advanced than it is today. However, that one Abomination sent everyone back to the stone age." Static couldn't believe what he was hearing, Emopa was never that strong, though he did say that he could slice the moon in half if he wanted to. "Uh.. well, Emopa can use magic and he's quite strong physically."

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