40:Disaster and Sepration

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A whole day has passed, and everyone was on edge. To avoid the least amount of casualties possible, Mareth opened up a portal to a barren world filled with a few mountains. Hugo, Yami, Ludwig, Tamaki, Marolie, Tuku, and Sorra stayed behind to monitor the portals. Mareth, Ruek, Static, Emopa, Kai, Kami, Vatel, Ulrich, Amy, and Fox were in the barren world. Kai was stretching, as he hadn't fought in quite a while. "Emopa, I heard you got selected, congrats!" Emopa seemed to be conflicted with that compliment but thanked his father anyway. "I know it's a big responsibility, but you'll see."

Emopa stared off into the distance before everyone smelt something terrible. "Ugh! It smelt like something crawled under an oven and died!" Ulrich said as a few mindless zombies limped their way toward them. They were dragging their feet across the ground, and some were still actively decaying. Ruek shot them clean in the head without any trouble. Suddenly, two masked figures appeared and made a ritual circle that functioned as a portal. Fox received a message from Sorra, who was in the ice region, specifically the area only known as Permafrost. "The portals are active!" She said as she readied her trident.

Once she knew the group couldn't hear her anymore, she giggled, her eyes glowing bright pink. "You hungry, Candi?" Meanwhile, Yami was about to deal with the one in the jungle, Tamaki faced the creatures on the beach, and Marolie and Yami were also in the ice region, just at two different portals, Tuku faced the zombies of the underground after finding another portal. Lastly, Ludwig and Hugo faced the monsters of the desert. "You ready, brother?" Hugo asked as Ludwig nodded. Meanwhile, the other group watched as the Plague had risen from the ground. He was a little short, being 5'6.

"Disease is necessary," Plague said as he looked at everyone before staring at Emopa. "You're even better in person!~" Emopa seemed slightly weirded out but stayed on guard. "Oh! I got someone I'd like you all to meet!" He opened a crack in the air and Codicia was on the other side. "Hey!" Static, Ruek, Ulrich, and the rest that were there during the previous fight were both shocked and furious.

"I killed you!" Static yelled as Codicia nodded. "You killed me, yes, but I had a durable skeleton, so this man brought me back to life!" Codicia then stared at Emopa. "You should've joined me Emopa." He shook his head and drew his Katana. "I hope you take on a form, Ruk." He said as the katana remained the same. "I don't know why the rest of you are here, I want him." Plague pointed to Emopa as the crack closed. "Oh! One last surprise." Plague summoned Scourge next to him, making Emopa's eyes widen. "Sensei?" He asked as Plague laughed.

"He's dead." The summon melted as Plague felt the mana skyrocket. "You guys ready?" Emopa asked in an irritated tone. "Calm down son," Kai said as Emopa took a deep breath. "Okay." Plague smiled, "Famous Abomination Kai! You can join your son, once I obtain him and train him right, he'll be the only infected I'll ever need." Plague dodged a strike from Static's ball. "Feisty little one, aren't you?" Plague said as Plague kicked his face, sending him back. Plague landed on his feet as a giant gash appeared on his chest, it was Emopa's attack, but he couldn't see him. "Slippery bastard..." He then got hit in the head by Ulrich's hammer, 'Destruction's mana?!' Plague thought as he got sent flying back.

"Don't let up!" Emopa yelled as everything seemed too slow for Plague. He stood up and stretched a little bit before grinning. "This is not the fight I wanted... I'll take it though!" He blocked another swing from Ulrich and stopped Static's punch with his leg. He spun and kicked Static away before grabbing Ulrich and slamming his face into the ground. "You're all annoying! I want Emopa!" He said, summoning a variety of creatures, ranging from small animals to zombies to horrific deformed creatures. "I have synapses and breeding pools, so there will always be a fresh supply of meat to throw into battle~"

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