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Emopa stood there in shock as he rubbed his eyes. "DAD?" He yelled as his old man chuckled. "Yeah, it's me. Kai Abomination, your father." Kai was actually a famous Abomination among the 5 great clans. Due to being the strongest abomination to ever walk the world. "Where have you been?" Kai looked at his friends. "I see you've made some friends..." Emopa wasn't having it. "I said, where have you been?" Kai looked away. "Nice forest, huh?" Emopa then yelled. "WHERE WERE YOU ALL MY LIFE?" Kai sighed and looked at Vatel. "Fine, let me tell you in private."

Kai walked away and Emopa followed. Everyone seemed dumbfounded. "Emopa's dad?" Ulrich said as he looked up at Fox. "I remember Emopa never thought of his past fondly. Not only then, when we asked about his dad, he just said he never knew him, or his mom actually." Vatel thought for a moment, "So, he's just like me, huh? An orphan." Kai turned around and pointed toward Vatel. "You, come along too." Vatel nodded and followed. The three reached a river, calmly flowing. Kai turned around and looked at Emopa with a somewhat sympathetic expression. "My... Look at how you've grown."

Emopa sighed. "Be honest with me dad. Do you love me?" Kai seemed shocked, "Of course I do! How couldn't I? You're my son." Emopa looked at his dad, some tears welling in his eyes. "Where were you then?" Kai then sat down and sighed. "How old are you? You should be around 23 years old..." Emopa was actually surprised. "Yeah... I am." Kai laughed. "I still got it! Anyway, 22 years ago, we were at our house, you were sleeping in your mother's arms. For an Abomination, you were quite small actually, you've grown a lot, my boy."

Vatel then coughed a little. "I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with me?" Kai then glared at him. "We're getting there."

"Samantha, have you seen my saw anywhere? The wood out back isn't going to cut itself." Kai asked as Samantha was holding a baby Emopa in her arms. "Did you check the storage in the basement?" Kai shook his head but then heard a knock at the door. He opened it, and his eyes widened as he saw three people. "SAMANTHA GET UPSTAIRS!" Samantha wasn't a weak Abomination by means, however, she had a baby to take care of.

She immediately headed upstairs and Kai soon blocked a punch that sent him through the house. Kai had short black hair, and orange eyes, and he was currently wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants. He landed on his feet and dashed toward the person that hit him. The three people retreated and he saw them fully. "Two Kageharas and a Star huh?" There were 5 great clans, the Abominations and Kageharas showing up later, but these 5 great clans were the Alter clan, Abomination clan, Kagehara clan, Star clan, and the Isshin clan.

Kai grinned as the bloodlust became more prominent. "Dunno if you know me." The Star interrupted. "Of course, we know who you are. Kai, the strongest Abomination." Kai laughed. "Nice! Who are you guys?" The Kageharas looked at each other. "I'm Julius Kagehara, and my wife, Agatha." The Star grinned. "The name Garden Star." Kai stared at them. "Two girls one boy." He slowly walked toward them and grinned. "let's have fun, no?" After the fighting was over, Kai was mildly bleeding, however, Garden and Agatha were dead. Julius was on the ground coughing blood as he stared up at Kai.

"Even among abominations... You're a monster." Kai smiled. "I know. Any last words." Julius chuckled. "You're clan is being hunted by everyone. Ever since Vex gained unimaginable dark powers. However, I have a son named Vatel... Do what you will with that information."

-flashback end-

Vatel and Emopa stood there dumbfounded. "So wait... You left me and Mom to protect us... Then mom left to protect me?" Kai nodded, Vatel however, had other questions, "YOU MURDERED MY PARENTS?" Kai sighed, "It was self-defense. I was protecting my wife and child." Vatel wanted to argue but he did have a point.

"Without that, you would've never met my son. He would've been dead. I'm here to make it up to you, Emopa, by actually being in your life." Emopa glared at his father. "Promise you won't leave again?" Kai stood up and hugged Emopa. "Promise. As for you, Vatel, I know I can't give back to your family, but I'll do anything to make you feel better." Vatel was silent, he only turned around and walked away. Kai and Emopa followed and everyone was doing their own thing. "You guys ready? I got some news, so let's head back to Uskan."

The group headed back to Uskan. "Ulrich, did you ever get those two?" Fox asked as she carried him on her back. "Yeah, surprisingly, they're out doing dungeons." Emopa led them all to a little meeting place before summoning Regalia. "Emopa... You managed to kill a verger?" Mareth asked as Emopa nodded. Kai patted his back, "That's my boy!" Amy tapped Kai's shoulder, making him turn around and looking down at her. "G-greetings sir! I'm umm... Amy! Your son's girlfriend." Kai's eyes widened, but so did everyone else's. "Huh?" Emopa turned around. "WHAAAAT?" Everyone yelled before Ulrich looked at Emopa.

"I never considered you the romantic type," Fox screamed. "Oh my gosh! I have to text the council about this!" Static giggled. "I have a girlfriend too you know... An immortal." Vatel laughed. "Good for you!" Sorra and Tuku looked at each other and giggled. "Well, son! Color me impressed, you got yourself a fine woman!" Emopa went red as Regalia giggled. "Everyone calm down. Sorry to be the party pooper but I got some bad news. Regalia, tell them." She then cleared her throat. "Tomorrow, a rogue god is going to try and attack Emopa specifically."

Mareth raised a brow. "Which one? There's three as far as I know." Regalia answered, "God of Disease, Plague." Kai laughed. "Awesome, this can be your first god fight, Emopa!" Regalia sighed. "I don't think that's a cause for celebration. His main ability is to infect others, living or not. To turn them all into zombies and the conscious and sentient ones are like a hive mind. He's not weak in the slightest, in fact, he's a Leader Contender." Kai nodded. "Interesting. Well, let's get you training Emopa." Emopa was about to say something, but Mareth interrupted. "Olkapo is dead." Everyone turned to him. "Huh?"

"Olkapo is dead, I'm taking his place as the God of Fist." Kai glared at Mareth and narrowed his eyes. "Olkapo huh? Son, you're friends with quite a few enemies." Emopa groaned. "Whatever Dad. Are we gonna train or not?" Kai laughed. "Thought you'd never ask. Come." The two left, but the rest remained behind. "The God of Fist dead? Who killed him?" Vatel asked as Mareth sighed. "A guy named Nightmare." They were talking, but Hugo felt an odd yet familiar presence. Then, a cloaked man with an emerald green blade walked into the room. Hugo's eyes widened.

"No way..." The man noticed and immediately ran out of the building, Hugo immediately giving chase. The man scaled up a few buildings and ran on top of them. Hugo jumped in the air and followed close behind. He gave one final dash forward, tackling the man onto the tiled roof of an inn. "Where have you been, Brother?!" The man took off his hood. He was light-skinned and had silver hair. "Where have you been, Ludwig?" Ludwig was in shock but felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. "I couldn't face you or my family after I ran..."

"Brother, I was worried sick! I thought you were dead!" Hugo got off of him and stood up, "Come, let me introduce you to my friends, we have a lot of catching up to do." Meanwhile, Emopa was training in weapon mastery with his dad. "Well, you're ok at best." He said as he sighed. "What about your hand-to-hand?" Emopa put away his katana and threw a quick jab at his dad, however it was blocked and countered, Kai flipping him over on the ground. "Yeah, it appears I have my work cut out for me... You're not embracing who you truly are Emopa."

Emopa looked away. "Due to being an Abomination, I hurt a lot of people when I was younger..." Kai smiled. "I used to be the same and look where I'm at. I earned the title of the strongest. Most Abominations actually know how to control their bloodlust, however not all do. So we're gonna go on that, okay?" Emopa nodded. "Alright..."

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