42:Complete Evil.

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Emopa and Rea jumped down from the castle balcony and grinned. Emopa spread out his arms and felt his mana expand, everyone could feel it, even if they couldn't even sense magic. "It's too dark in here. Let's go somewhere more desirable. After all, I want you all to be at an advantage." They could see a black portal form, slowly bringing out a weapon that seemed like a dagger. "Come." He slashed open a portal to a rather lush world, however there were cities as well. He ran through with Rea, and everyone followed him except for one Kagehara.

"Justice." The Abomination said as he stared at the Kagehara. "Ironic name for someone trying to exterminate a race." Justice scoffed at him. "King, Ironic for someone who didn't become the Dark Bearer." King and Justice stared each other down before charging each other. Meanwhile, Emopa casually walked down a path near a stream, humming quietly as he blocked a strike from a Kagehara with his hand. "What's your name?" Emopa asked as he grabbed her punch. "Rem..." Emopa stared at her and blocked another punch from a Star. "The name's Cole Star." Emopa laughed. "Someone actually has manners."

He punched Rem in the gut, and Cole was instantly on the ground, standing upright. "Walk with me, boy." Emopa began to take a stroll while dodging long-range wind shots from Rem. "Do you believe in free will?" Cole rubbed his chin. "I guess... Wait!" Cole threw a punch at him but Emopa, but he blocked. "You'll make a good summon, Cole." He dodged a strong kick from the Altar and the Abomination. "I still can't believe you'd do this to your own people." The Abomination then got flung into a city. Crashing into an office building. "Why do this?"

The Abomination gulped and readied a dagger. "What we're doing is wrong! Offing the very gods that bring peace-" Emopa cut him off, "The same gods that also bring about destruction to our race and innocents. Mei, come back to us." Emopa said as he turned around. Blocking a punch from Rem, "You're annoying." A portal opened up next to her, and a blade shot out of it, getting her in the neck. "Hm?" He noticed that it didn't shoot all the way through. "The immortal body..." He grinned and punched her out of the building and jumped out.

He was greeted by Cole in the air who was about to down-slam him. However, Emopa countered and flipped over so he was on top. He kicked him down into the ground, once he landed, he saw a man draw his blade and swing at Emopa. He blocked with his hand, however, causing the man to be surprised. "Isshin." He grabbed the man by the next and grinned. He then grabbed his stomach and smirked. "Gravity well." Emopa summoned a small gravity well in his stomach, causing it to twist and churn. The Isshin coughed up blood as he struggled.

"The Isshin clan is the most plentiful yet weakest clan out of the main five. Pitiful." The man screamed as he was absorbed into the gravity well, only being a small pile of meat. Emopa looked up and dodged an incoming attack from Rem, however, Cole reached from under the ground and grabbed his ankle. "Wind blade!" Rem cut off Emopa's left arm. However, he didn't seem that affected. He lifted his leg, surprising Cole and kicking him to the side. He dodged a dagger throw from Mei and an ax swing from the Alter. "Mei... Come on."

He said to her as he summoned black portals all around the Alter. Giant claws reached out and tore them apart as they screamed in agony. As the others watched in horror, Emopa simply smiled. "Now that the bugs are out of the way, come," Emopa said as Mei, Cole, and Rem. "You're fighting one armed?" Cole asked as Emopa looked at all three of them. "Wait, where's the other Star?" Emopa got hit in the chest with a string-made lance. He turned around and saw the other Star behind him. He grinned and summoned Oni, who looked quite different.

He looked younger and shorter, however, his eyes and hair were now black instead of their teal color. He appeared in front of the other Star and stabbed him in the chin, laughing as he proceeded to gut him in front of everyone. Emopa then healed his chest but not his arm. "Let's see if you guys are even worth one arm." He dashed toward Rem, who tried to read her wind magic but immediately got her arms sliced off. "Come on!" Emopa yelled as he healed her arms. He kicked her quite far, sending her through multiple buildings with civilians inside.

He appeared in the air and kicked her in the face back down. "Cole." Emopa saw him clap his hands, and Emopa saw multiple flashes. "Mirror magic!" He yelled as Rem came up behind him and held him still. "Now!" Mirrors appeared all around them. Emopa grinned and summoned Rot behind Cole. "Swap." He swapped with Rot, and Cole fired as it was too late. Rem seemed fine, however. Emopa slashed off Cole's arm and grabbed him, using his slashing magic to lease multiple large gashes in him. Mei came up behind him and tried to attack, he blocked though.

"Fine. Have it your way." A black portal opened up next to him. He took out a black sword and coated it in a little bit of mana. He swung it and watched as a black line traced. A large beam then fired at Mei point blank range, leaving a long and devastating crater in the city. Buildings were falling, and people were screaming. Cole was barely hanging onto life and tried to crawl away, but Emopa summoned five portals to use blades and pin him down. "Hm..." He walked toward him and grinned. "If anyone becomes weak enough..."

He grabbed Cole's head and then said, "Soul Rip." He began to forcefully tear his soul from his body, making it his summon. Rem looked at Emopa with wide eyes. "What?" As he said that, she saw flashes and 'glitches' of him smiling. Glowing red eyes, and dead bodies all around. "Don't be so scared now, I was gonna show you the best part." He walked toward her, and suddenly they were in an extremely crowded and dense city. Emopa summoned all of his useful summons and grinned. "All of you will see." Emopa then made a hand sign, Rem's eyes going wide.

"Transmitted the data. He has a realm as well!" She yelled into something Emopa couldn't see, but he didn't care. "Collecting data on me, eh?" He laughed and smirked. "Realm Outbreak." Emopa jumped up, sitting on a throne with skulls and a floating eye, its pupil being a blade. "Eye of The Blade's Abyss." Everything became black, but it remained day as if it were day and night at the same time. Rem blinked and got cut on her leg by a Trident, she looked up, and her eyes widened for a second.

Before she got skewered into nothing, she saw weapons of all kinds being fired in every direction. However, they cut people down to the cell, and inanimate objects down to the specs of dust. They had infinite sharpness to them as if everything was being cut into nothing. They weren't slow, either. People were screaming in agony as sometimes the weapons missed vitals, but they were put out of their misery soon. Emopa sighed and saw that Rem was nothing but a puddle of blood now. He stopped the realm and recalled everyone, his summons disappearing. "Your soul still lingers."

The city was gone, and nothing but a massive crater remained. "I shortened the distance to nothing but the entire range of this city." He raised her soul from the blood pile and looked at her in her new body. "The full range can be this entire universe, however." He said, laughing as he slashed open a portal back to Dark Avalon. "Let us make plans."

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