Gemini's balcony

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"School again" I grunted taking my sit. Not that it was bad but the teaching part was boring sometime.

"Ha, you look depressed" Gemini giggled taking a sit in front of me. "Like really depressed"

"When did you turn into a critic like Virgo?" I smirked stretching lazily when the teacher walked in looking even more depressed than I was.

"Okay kids I didn't sleep last night" he boomed.

"WHO ASKED" Leo jested as the class started laughing.

"You" the angry teacher pointed at Leo "Principal's office"

Leo got up hesitantly as he sighed "I care a lot about your sleep schedule sir" he wore a sly grin.


Leo winked at us before leaving, the whole class looked at him with envy.

"I wish I said that" I crossed my hands with a frown as the teacher started ranting. "I feel like jumping off the balcony"

Gemini immediately turned to me. "What was that you just said?" She huffed.

"I. . .feel like jumping off. . . the balcony?" I said looking even more confused than she was.

"Oh my gosh" Gemini beamed as she pulled my shirt. "Do you know what this means?"

I felt pressed as Gemini pulled tighter "what" I managed to ask.

"I totally forgot about renovating my balcony" she explained shaking me.

"Gemini exchange your seats with Aquila" the teacher snapped. "My class is no place for lovers" he added turning back to grab his book.

Man is this teacher annoying or what.


I was talking with Libra and lyra when Gemini ran crashing into us.

"Guys guess what?" She panted holding onto her knees looking at us with a wide smile.

Libra and lyra looked at each other the back at me. "You. . ." Libra started but Gemini quickly interjected.

"We totally forgot about renovating my balcony" she chimed throwing her hands in the air.

I was taking aback when she said that
Like how did we forget for that long?
I narrowed my eyes to Libra who had a wide gape.

"How did we forget for that long?" Libra questioned stepping back.

"Wait" Lyra paused looking at us. "How long are we talking about?

I shrugged listlessly "About two months and half"

"Wow that's a lot of time" Lyra mused right before the bell rang.

"Gem" I called as she was about to race to her next class "I got detention for three hours"

She wore a pout messing with her golden blond hair.

"Just come to the back of the detention class" I instructed her.


"Just come"

She smiled and gave me a thumbs up before leaving.

I turned and saw Cancer behind me.

"You're planning on escaping?" She asked her voice sounding so innocent.

I wore a smirk and leaned on my locker "what makes you say that?"

"Don't you have class Leo?" Capricorn or should I say mum popped out of nowhere. "Jeez, you're so flirtatious "

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