I love, love, love you

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A/N: this chapter was written by serenitybymoonlight


E.J's POV:

I only lived 10 minutes away from Little Italy, but LA traffic was insane, so it took us 20 minutes to drive to my place.

"Green Light..." Ricky whispered, pulling out of the kiss when several cars were honking for me to go.

I blushed and stepped on the gas. I wasn't nervous because I hadn't had sex before. I was nervous because it was my first time with Ricky. It's been a year since we had gotten together, and the last time I had sex was a month before that. Do I even remember how? I was so in my thoughts that I almost missed the turn. I held my hand against Ricky's chest so he wouldn't be tossed around by my reckless driving.

"Jesus Christ, is your new show about you being a race car Driver? Heavens to Betsy!" Ricky exclaimed making me laugh.

"Sorry," I chuckled and held his hand. I couldn't take my lips off him for long.

Every time we would be brought to a standstill, we would continue to kiss.

It was pointless for me to get a car while in the city. I could ride my bike or take the bus to all my gigs and auditions. It was just extra money to burn through for gas. I skidded Ricky's car to a stop and tackled Ricky with a kiss again.

"Is your roommate home?" Ricky asked, and I shook my head, cupping his face and leaning over to pin him against his seat and make out with him.

"Can... we go upstairs? Ricky asked, and I laughed. I was so caught up in the moment.

I kissed him softly on the cheek and lips before we got out of his car.

We met at the front of the car to hold hands. I wanted to do way more than hold hands right now. I don't care if anyone watched. We have been waiting for this for so long, even before we were officially together. We walked up two flights of stairs and down the hall to my room.

"Hold on, let me catch Angel before she runs out." I said softly.

"Who?" Ricky asked as I knelt and opened the door. After unlocking it, Little Angel strutted out and into my arms.

Ricky looked at her, surprised. I had gotten her a week ago to surprise him on his visit and also to keep Pearce company when I'm on set.

"Our little daughter, Angel," I smiled as Angel was sniffing in Ricky's face.

"Hewwo, Daddy," I moved Angel's paw to make it look like she was greeting him.

Ricky's face scrunched up, and he let out a kitten sneeze, then the actual kitten sneezed right back into his face. They did this a couple more times before Ricky spoke.

"Allergic," Ricky sneezed again.

"Oh, shit, um... okay," I panicked and rushed into the apartment, kneeling and setting Angel inside my roommate's room.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"It is okay," Ricky chuckled, coming into the apartment, closing the door, and walking over to kiss me.

"I will be fine if she doesn't get near my face." He told me as I kissed his neck.

"Do you need to... freshen up?" I asked him, trying not to be crude.

"Nah, I did when I left the house..." He blushed, and I kissed him on his nose before wrapping my arm around his waist.

We walked down the hall, aiming to continue to kiss his lips as we walked down to my room. I fit my arm under him, lifted him onto the bed, climbed on top of him, and finally, I could kiss him however I wanted. I pinned his hands above his head and slightly bit on his bottom lip for him to let me take dominance.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now