I'm not one to fall in love too fast

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Today's the first table read for 'A Billion Sorrys: the series'. I am so nervous to find out who the rest of my cast mates are besides my roommate, Pearce.

Yesterday, I was on set trying on costumes and getting fittings. I had a call time once but that was to shoot my opening shots for the show intro without anyone else.

I didn't get to meet anyone in the cast yesterday. It was a lot of hair and makeup experimenting and camera shots of just me standing and doing things or smiling.

I guess that's what happens when you land a lead role in a HBO max tv show.

I did a few chemistry reads with a lot of woman but the director never told me which one would be the lead and who I would have chemistry with one set.

I know for a fact that I have chemistry with Ricky.

It's only been one night since he got sick over facetime and today I am not going to call him because he's resting all day. He has to teach some young foster boys guitar later this week and doesn't feel the best right now.

I hope my amazon care package can help his sickness go away.

"Eeej, can't we leave Angel with our annoying 56 year old neighbor while we go to the studio?" I see my roommate walk in with bed head hair because we have to be at the studio office at 8 and it's 6:30 am.

There's a Uber coming to pick us up to take us to the HBO max office.

We need to shower and get dressed. And I need to clean Angel's litter box because she used it last night and left the rest of her mess in our kitchen.

I seriously need to litter box train her but I haven't had time to since I moved to LA almost two years ago.

I call myself a LA newbie but that's only because I spend my time here auditioning and getting rejections and commercials.

I haven't even seen the real LA or actually seen my neighborhood yet.

I know that two years is not considered a short time for a newcomer.

"Because she's my precious little lady and doesn't like being alone. We don't want her to mess up our apartment, do we? Aren't you going to be a good girl for daddddy?" I snuggle into her fur after cleaning her litter box out and replacing it with new litter.

Sometimes she uses it when she feels like it and sometimes she uses my bathroom carpet to go leave accidents.

I really need a cat sitter.

"Okay, whatever at least she will keep us company since I am anti-social and don't like meeting new people. Put her in her carrier bag and don't let the director see her. Go take a shower while the water is still warm. I left a towel in there for you." I put Angel down on the kitchen floor and let her play with a piece of string that must have fallen off one of my hoodies.

Once I've showered and eaten a banana for a lite breakfast, I pack a bag for Angel with her toys and food then out her in her carrier.

Thankfully, the Uber driver the studio ordered for us allows pets.

In the Uber to Hollywood where our TV show studio table read is, I nervously pet Angel in her carrier and pray that Ricky will be better soon.

I wish I could take the pain away from him but I can't.

I wish that I had time to talk to him today but after the table read, there's a cast introduction lunch downtown and it's important for me to bond with people I will be acting with.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now