I know you're nervous but I won't let you fall.

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A/N: this chapter is a little bit more mature and has hospital surgery descriptions. It's a roller coaster ride but worth reading. I made the surgery quicker for readers. Thank you for putting up with r my crazy story and voting for it even tho I know it's so crazy and unrealistic. It's fanfiction.

*November 12th*

E.J's POV:

I haven't left Ricky's room since he was admitted.

I don't care if I get fired from work at this point.

I can't leave his side or the baby's.

The baby is almost here.

"Hey, E.J. can I talk to you before you go into the operation room?" I look up from my chair, which I designated as mine for the past day, and see Mr. Bowen part ways from his boyfriend who seems to be asking a doctor questions.

"Is Ricky ready yet? Did the doctor say something?" I raise my head immediately from my short nap in this uncomfortable chair and look up at him.

"The doctor believes that the baby is coming sometime today. He just doesn't know when since Ricky is still anxious about this and the baby hasn't moved today. The nurse who did his last scan said that the baby moved positions last night which is probably why Ricky is sleeping right now. He needs all the rest he can get before the procedure. Do you mind if we talk in around the corner in private, son?" I rub my eyes a few times and grab the Rice Krispy Treats rapper to throw out since it was my breakfast.

Damn. It's 8 a.m.

"I don't mind. Mr. Bowen. I'll follow you, you lead the way." I give him a faint smile since I am still waking up from my nap.

Once we're standing in the abandoned hallway around the corner from the room, I stand a few feet away from him and let Mr. Bowen talk.

"I apologize for not asking this earlier, I have been focusing on my son and my personal life. What are your intentions with Ricky and the baby? I understand that you cheated on him and broke his heart. He hasn't been this heartbroken and sad since his mother and I finalized our divorce a few years ago. I don't want to see him hurt again and his friends don't either. I also understand that he asked you to be the person in the operation room with him. Is that still something that's okay with you and did you finalize it with him? Sometimes he makes spur-of-the-moment decisions when he's sad and just says whatever is on his mind. Thank you for being here for him though, it means the world to him and I. I don't think he's in the headspace to say it but he is grateful that you came back. I am just wondering why come back now and if you staying with him for good?" I play with my fingers anxiously and listen to him carefully since I cannot mess up this time with anyone related to Ricky.

"Mr. Bowen, my intentions are to stay with Ricky and our daughter. I have talked with him multiple times before in private about my mistakes and how badly I broke his heart. I apologized to him multiple times and I really do mean it when I say that I am sorry for what happened. I know that forgiveness and acceptance aren't easy routes to come by. We have come to the conclusion that it was not the right place and not the right time for us to move forward in our relationship 9 months ago. I was in the film industry and had just gotten my first big role, and he was ready for the next step in our relationship. Everything changed in a matter of days and it was my fault we fell apart. I take all the blame and now I am going to do everything I can to make up for what I did. I learned from my mistakes and really did go through remorse and regret stages in L.A. I promise not to hurt him again. I really do mean it this time. I'm staying. Hollywood messed up my mind and mental state. Secondly, we did talk about the c-section operation and I am honored that he choose for me to be in the room with him. I know from the past that he makes spur-of-the-moment decisions and am prepared in case he changes his mind last minute. It's honestly up to him not me to choose who he wants in the room. Lastly, I just wanted to say to you face to face that I am willing to wait for Ricky to be ready to be more than friends. If that's something he wants of course." I breathe in and out and respond to Ricky's dad in the most hushed and quiet voice I can in case someone walks by.

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