Sometimes you know exactly what to say

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A/N: I hope that you enjoy this ending :)


E.J's POV:

*2 and a half  years later*

Over the last two years, so much has happened. I moved to Pasadena and left Quinny with Meg and Pearce. Bitchstasia is not in the picture anymore.

After I got a new car and apartment,  I decided to deny Ricky's record label offer from the guy who wanted to talk to him at Just For a Melody a few years ago. I gave the record label deal to Nini who had been planning to pursue a career in music education at grad school but initially decided to stay in California where Ricky and Gina are teaching.

Nini has a beautiful voice but has been so focused on caring for Ricky for the last two years. Now, she has time to focus on music since I am always at Ricky's apartment.

Ricky and I have been working on becoming best friends rather than boyfriends. I think that co-parenting and becoming friends have really helped fix our relationship. We've learned so much about each other over the course of the last two years. I learned that he thinks that waffles are disgusting, when I made them for Seanna one morning. He learned that I actually hated romantic movies, despite the fact that I was in a show all about romance once. But I can tell that he's ready for us to be something more than friends though. He hasn't said anything yet since we've been busy with our jobs and trying to potty train Seanna who isn't so little anymore.

Speaking of jobs, I switched careers and am working as the Musical Theatre and Drama Department Director at Just for a Melody. Ricky, Nini, Seb, Carlos, and their friend Maddox made the executive decision to turn Just for a Melody into a music and musical theatre school for underprivileged children and foster kids. I think that it was a great idea!

Now I have a way to show off my acting skills and childcare skills. I'm trying to convince Ricky to enroll Seanna in the acting program that I am starting at Just for a Melody but he doesn't want to force her into activities yet since she can barely decide what color dress she wants to wear yet.

She's like Ricky. She always wants to wear the same outfit. She always picks out her Pinkalicious dress and her fairy wings that are too big for her. It's the cutest thing ever but she has got to learn that clothes need to go in the wash and then that she care wear them once they are clean again.

Even fairies change their clothes and need to clean their wings.

It's a learning curve for her, for sure.

For now, I just let her wear the wings everywhere she goes until I have to buy her a new pair that's cleaner.

I still haven't given Ricky his gift yet.

Nini and Gina have been bugging me about it ever since Seanna turned one years old.

I've been waiting for Ricky to be ready for the next step in our relationship to give it to him.

I just haven't found the right moment since we're in our terrible two tantrum era with Seanna.

I'm going over to his place today to give it to him today though.

This better not be a mistake.

Seanna's been giving him a hard time and it's been hard for him to leave the house without having a crying toddler at his foot.

I try my best to be there when I can but it's hard as a co-parent.

"E.J, thank the lord you are here. Please do something. Please get her to stop crying. I've tried everything. I called my dad and he told me to give her warm milk but she's grown out of that phase. I changed her pull-up. She went potty and then threw a tantrum when I flushed the toilet. I can't find her stuffed frog and her princess dress is in the wash since she got paint on it. She won't stop crying. I even tried calling her Little S and she hated it. I haven't eaten dinner yet and Nini won't pick up her phone. She's on a date with Gina. I think Gina is proposing to her. Please do something about our crying toddler. I can't handle her anymore," I knock on his apartment door and don't even get a 'Hi' or 'How was work today?' instead, I see a half dressed, tired, and very stressed Ricky looking at me while he is on the verge of a mental breakdown.

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