I know you're lying through you're teeth

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*November 11th*


Ricky's POV:

I take everything I said back in the last two months.

I fucking hate E.J. with all the hate I can ever have in my life.

I wish we never had sex.

I wish I never fell in love with him.

I wish I didn't want him to be mine again after he cheated on me with a Hollywood star.

He has caused me so much mental pain and heartbreak and now the physical pain is here.

I have the world's worst contractions according to my OBGYN.

And no, I decided not to tell E.J about this just in case it's another false alarm like the last time we reunited. But I am pretty sure that Nini told him sometime between now and 3:30 am.

My labor contractions started on November 1st and I thought they were Braxton Hicks contractions so I just did what Seb told me to do. I drank lots of lemonade and ate sour food to ignore the pain. I even finished Teen Wolf. I did everything I was supposed to do. I rested a lot and I avoided long walks alone. I even told Nini when I needed my blood pressure medication if my anxiety was acting up so she could keep track of how often I took it. I also took prenatal vitamins my dad's boyfriend, Mike gave me.

Then on November 8th, things got worse. I still had contractions every half hour or so but this time I felt them in my back. So that meant that I had to be on more bed rest. I didn't tell Nini about it though. Just told her that I wanted to sleep in for a while since I had no energy after carrying a baby for 9 months.

And this morning at 3:40 am, I started screaming and crying in pain. The pain was just so bad everywhere from my pelvis to the bottom of my back. I didn't even fight Nini in the car ride to the hospital. I was too tired from everything that had happened the previous hours before I woke her up so I just admitted defeat and let her drive me to the hospital.

It feels like Little S is angry at me and just wants out so she can cry and say so.

My due date isn't for another 10 days and I really don't want to sit in the hospital for another 10 days.

"Hey, good morning sleepyhead. Do you feel like eating a little bit? You haven't had anything to eat or drink since dinner last night. But thankfully the doctors are keeping you hydrated through the IV in your arm. Last night was quite a scare. Thankfully, the doctors calmed you down and got you to rest after you basically broke down in my arms again and fell asleep."

I look up and see Nini sitting in a chair across from my bed that is tangled with all these wires to watch the baby.

Good, E.J isn't here to see how awful I look.

Or hear about how much I hate him right now.

I regret having sex with him so much.

"Was last night a dream? Am I not in labor yet?" I sit up a bit feeling uncomfortable in the bed while fixing my curls and looking down at my bump that's still the same size as it was last night.

"Let me get your doctor so that they can explain it better. E.J. is in the cafeteria getting you some food. I told him that you didn't need to be surprised as soon as you woke up. He's a little mad at me for shooing him out but I just wanted to make sure that you were okay before I brought him in. Gina and Kourtney got here half an hour ago and are sleeping in the waiting room. Your dad and his boyfriend will be here at any moment. I told them to grab some stuff from the nursery and some extra clothes for you in case you had to stay longer than expected. Red is coming with Maddox soon. And I think Seb and Carlos are still at their place with their girls since it's not urgent yet for them to come." I listen to Nini ramble off some things to me while I stare at the clock on the wall.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now