I can't pretend that this has been the perfect year

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A/N: Ricky is 7 months and almost 4 weeks along.


Ricky's POV:

Today's my baby shower. 

I don't know if I'm nervous or excited about it.

I decided to forget about that record label agent that showed up at Just For a Melody a few days ago.

Now, the only things that are on my mind are this baby and the fact that E.J. will be there.

The guy that I said I was over but still have mixed feelings for.

The guy who broke my heart.

The guy who left me and came back.

The guy who is still waiting for me.

I don't know if it's just my mood swings or my actual feelings making me have feelings for E.J. now.

I'm so confused and I'm scared since I am having a C-Section in like a month.


That's so soon.

"Hey, Ricky, are you okay? You've been quiet ever since we left the apartment,"

I look over towards the passenger seat where Gina is sitting, holding onto Nini's hand while she drives us to Big Red's apartment.

We're carpooling everyone else.

It is saving the environment according to Gina.

"Uh, just nervous for the last few months of my pregnancy. Do you girls believe in second chances?" I ask them and feel Little S kick me hard in the abdomen.

"Shit! That hurt like a bitch" I swear under my breath while they are thinking about their answer.

After taking a deep breath in and out, Gina looks back at me while Nini focuses on the road and gives me a look.

"Are you okay physically or having second thoughts about someone?"

"Just Braxton hicks. The doctor said it's normal with my condition," I bite my lip and let Little S keep kicking.

She's more excited than I am for this party.

"To answer your question, Ricky. I don't believe in second chances," I hear Nini say from the driver's seat.

"What?! Babe, I believe in second chances," I watch Gina argue with her girlfriend while we stop in front of Red's apartment.

The conversation ends abruptly when Red comes out of his apartment holding onto a gift bag, a very big pink gift bag.

"What do you have in there?" I change the subject again and watch Red squeeze into the backseat with me.

"It's for the baby," I hear Red say and then watch him quickly end the conversation.


What has Nini planned?

I am pretty sure that she didn't go along with my guidelines.

I told her that I didn't want a big party, games, or even a DJ.

In fact, I don't even want a baby shower.

I just need a small get-together with friends and family.

"Nini, where are we going?" I look out the window and realize that my baby shower isn't quite small at all.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang