Is it naive to think we could work?

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A/N: I'm sure that my time skips are off, sorry.

Ricky is a little under 4 months along = 17 weeks.


Ricky's POV:

It's the beginning of the first week of May and I don't want to get out of bed.

Not only do I have a doctor's appointment today to find out the gender of my baby but I also have a therapist appointment with Val's friend, Dr. Tracee. I have a lunch break alone because that's when Nini teaches at Just For a Melody. Then after that, I'm working at Hot Topic until 6 to make extra cash. I also promised, Red that we could get dinner since we hang out every once in a while and I just so happened to schedule that for today too.

Thankfully, I'm not teaching guitar or piano to my students today though.

Nini's got a private voice lesson though and she's meeting up with Val to work on more grad school applications since she decided to try for the fall semester.

I'm having my baby in November so I won't let that stop Nini from going to Grad School if she gets in.

I know that it sounds like a lot but being productive and having a busy schedule helps my brain stop thinking about the breakup and what EJ might be doing with Fantasia right now.

I also haven't felt the baby kick yet.

I'm going to ask Dr. M when that happens at my appointment.

"Ricky, what are you doing in bed? Your appointment is in half and hour and your dad is already in the kitchen with his boyfriend. C'mon, get dressed. I made you boiled eggs and an everything bagel with cream cheese. There's also orange juice since you hate milk now. Hurry up! Up! Up! Up! We are not missing this appointment. You asked all 3 of us to come for emotional support and I don't want to be late because the patient the doctor is seeing is asleep in bed." I see Nini walk in wearing one of her dresses that she likes to teach the younger kids in while grabbing my sheets off my bed revealing my American Flag boxers that EJ gave me for memorial day.

The guy celebrates every holiday and I think it's the most adorable thing ever.

I miss him a lot.

If I could change what we did on Valentine's day, I wouldn't change a thing now.

I love my miracle baby in my tummy more than myself.

I'm still hoping it's a girl but I won't be mad if it's a boy.

"5 more minutes." I sniffled a bit since my nose was clogged up from the air in California.

It's probably just another pregnancy symptom that I didn't want to look up on the internet.

"Your bagel thin is getting cold and your doctor is not going to happy with you." I heard Nini and watched her pull the covers over my head and off my bed.

Lately she's been more mom like to me than best friend like.

I hate it.

She needs to make more time to see her girlfriend, Gina before she starts grad school.

That's is if she gets in.

"I'm tired. I wanna sleep." I whine and suddenly feel a light pain in my lower abdomen and shut my eyes as the pain goes away slowly.

That's never happened before but it doesn't hurt too bad.

"Neens, I think the baby moved or kicked." I sit up in bed and touch the spot where the baby just moved.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now