My agent said to never waste a crisis

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E.J's POV:

I need to see Ricky.

I don't care how long it has been or what Ashlyn said.

I need to see him now.

"Mr. Rider, I understand that I'm the lead of the show but I need to get out of LA for the weekend. Please let me go. The director can get Pearce or Corbin Bleu to shoot this weekend." I just pitched to my boss a minute ago about why I should have a break from filming but he's not having it.

"Yes, I understand that you need a relaxing weekend Mr. Caswell. However, you made a commitment to do this and I can't just tell the Director that you need time off from being the lead. This is not how the film industry works or any job either. You show up, you get the job done and you get paid. Isn't that why you signed to my company?" I listen to him talk on the phone while I am petting Quinny under the table.

"Ugh, I understand. Mr. Rider. Have you ever heard of a mental health break? I can't work under pressure and I need to see my boyfriend who is my safe space." I lie to him about Ricky and I's breakup.

"I thought that you broke up with him? And why is he more important than 'A Billion Sorrys'? The Uber gift cards are for you to spend on food and to get to auditions and other places. Not to see your boyfriend, Mr. Caswell." I listen to him on the phone and lean back to groan against my bed headboard.

"Never mind. I've already said too much. The car is coming to pick me up soon. Goodbye." I try to be polite.

"Wait- Mr. Caswell, this thing between you, your boyfriend, and Anastasia. Is it serious and true?" I listen to my agent start to get more interested in Ricky and I then he ever has before.

Oh geez.

What have I got myself into it?

I'm so sorry and I totally regret cheating on Ricky.

I want him back, no I need him back.

He's my everything and my safe space.

"Anastasia and I are not together. This thing between Ricky and I has been serious for an entire year." I leave out the part about cheating and a breakup.

"Uh huh. I'm taking notes on this. So, you and Anastasia?  You know if you are seen with her outside of set, that's big. She has a following and so do you..." I understand where my agent is going with my crisis.

It's not his crisis, it's mine.

"I have a boyfriend sir." I lie again about Ricky and I's breakup.

"Ok, fair. I'm just saying that it would be nice to be seen out with some of your cast mates, that aren't Pearce, your roommate. If you wanna work in the film industry, Mr. Caswell, you need to network and make connections. You can't be seen with nobodies, like your boyfriend." I grit my teeth and am about to hang up on him.

How dare he say that about Ricky?

My agent said never to waste a crisis and I am not wasting this crisis.

I'm trying to fix it by seeing Ricky this weekend.

But as an actor, it's not a 9-5 Monday through Friday job.

It's a job when you're called on set, you show up.

"I understand. I got to go get ready for set. Thank you, Mr. Rider." I hang up before he can say Anastasia's name again.




I have to go to Pasadena and apologize to Ricky.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now