Doing what you want and think you're gonna get away

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A/N: Ricky is 8 months and 1 week along.


Ricky's POV:

I hate this.

Nini and I aren't on good terms since she announced that she's not going to grad school and instead is going to stay in Pasadena to take care of me and Little S while moving in with Gina.

And I appreciate that she got the record label guy away from me because he was pestering me in my emails about that video Carlos video posted of me singing. But that gives her no right, to put her life on hold and take over my dream of being in the music scene while I am still pregnant and not even in labor yet.

She's doing exactly what I didn't want her to do.

Putting her future on hold for me.

And changing her plans because of me.

So basically, all of this means that my best friend, roommate, and personal driver are not available anymore.

I haven't talked to Nini since the baby shower and I've been sitting in my room a lot sorting out gifts, writing thank you notes, and organizing stuff that I want for sure in my new apartment since I can't carry it.

I mean yeah, we live together but that doesn't mean that we talk to each other 24/7.

She spends more time at Just For a Melody now than at the apartment.

Probably working on music when she isn't teaching and training new staff since I will be out for a long period of time.

"Thanks again for giving me a ride. I think I would have starved to death if it weren't for you," I look over at E.J who looks like shit.

E.J has a rental car now and while it is a good thing, he's got to get a job before he loses it.

It's been a week since we talked in my new apartment and Little S' nursery what the hell happened to him?

"You okay, E.J? You look sleep deprived."

I take a big bite of my chocolate chip pancakes and stuff it in my face.


Little S was hungry at 3:45 am and I was craving pancakes.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I've been staying up late studying parenting and baby books in the air b n b I am in right now till I find a job. My friend, Pearce is um trying to get me recommendations and references from that fucking show I was in while I figure out what I am going to do next. It's not easy finding a job when your former agent hates you for leaving on a mental health break infinitely and giving your full-time job to your best friend," I dump a blob of whipped cream onto my pancake and cut a slice.

"Gosh, that sounds awful and difficult. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, at least you have a supportive best friend. My best friend and I aren't even talking and we live together. Sorry, for making the conversation about me. I don't know what else to say. It's 4:15 am, I bet you're tired and just want to crawl into bed," I stare at my pancakes and stare at my ex who looks as lost as I am in the conversation.

I didn't plan on spending my midnight or breakfast snack with E.J but he was up and the only person who responded to me when I sent out multiple texts asking for chocolate pancakes with syrup.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay just a bump in the road. I'll get to where I wanna be soon. That show was where I thought I wanted to be, not where I belonged. That bitch who basically ruined my career again just by sending me a note wasn't what I was looking for. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I should be the one who's sorry. I haven't been there for you or Little S for who knows how long. I didn't even get to see any of the ultrasounds," I listen to E.J talk in a hushed voice since we are still in a California diner and anyone can be here.

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