Let's not make it harder than it has to be

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A/N: Time skip two weeks later to Halloween. Ricky is almost 9 months along in the pregnancy.


E.J's POV:

It's Halloween and unfortunately, I have to work.

I got a job working at the front desk of Pasadena Films and Productions Office.

Thankfully, my past internship experience with my dad really paid off and I got hired to be a secretary.

It's better than no job at all and I can still catch up with Pearce on all the hot Hollywood drama if I ever want to.

Right now, my focus is on providing for Ricky and Little Seanna.

I'm going to have to step up in not only the parenting department but also the financial and bill department soon since Ricky will be the main caretaker for our daughter.

I'm trying to get him on board with us parenting like normal parents but he still hasn't gained my full trust yet so I am a side co-parent now till he's ready.

It makes sense since he still can't forget about that night he broke up with me at my apartment because of my mistake with bitchstasia.

I just wish it wasn't this hard for us.

I know it's my fault.

"Ricky, let's not make this harder than it has to be." I hear Nini groan as she pulls him out of bed from under his covers.

It's the end of October now so it's chilly and harder for Ricky to find things to wear besides oversized hoodies.

And lately, he's been doing nothing but laying in bed, eating, and watching TV.

Sometimes he calls me but now that I have a job it's so hard to be there for him in person rather than on the phone.

I am also still apartment hunting and talking to Pearce about moving out of my Hollywood apartment.

It's a lot.

"Nini, I told you that I don't want to go anywhere today."

I hear his moody and annoyed voice and then watch her throw him an XL Twilight hoodie that's probably hers from Hot Topic.

"It's Halloween and Just For a Melody is having a Halloween party for the foster kids who don't have one at their house. You should come. I'll find somewhere for you to sit and you can wear that hoodie. I am not leaving you here by yourself. And don't you dare tell me that E.J is gonna call you during his lunch break. I know that he has work and I really don't feel comfortable leaving you here by yourself if your dad is working too." I watch Nini boss Ricky around, glaring at me, and grab a few of his things and his hospital bag too to pack for the day.

I came here to check on Ricky before I have to go to work and surprisingly, Ricky is up at 7:30 am.

Either the baby woke him up or Nini did first.

I am not sure.

"I can't go. I look terrible and I can barely walk two blocks without stopping. I am not going to see my former students like this and Halloween is for children. Nini, I am fine here. I have been fine here for the last month." I roll my eyes at my stubborn ex-boyfriend and nod my head towards Nini as I head out their apartment door which is basically covered in packing boxes for Ricky's move.

"You should go, Ri. It would be good for you and you can get some childcare experience. You never know if someone needs help, wants to play, or needs to have their pull-up changed because of an accident. Nini will be there for you if you need help. I've seen how young the students are at your music school and how good you were with them we were together. You need to get in-person exposure with kids again. Halloween parties are fun with kids, they aren't full of drunk people and sexy costumes that could be judged." I look over at Ricky who is still in bed and accidentally use his nickname, Ri just because it's cute and I am used to calling him that.

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