Did we stay together longer than we should?

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A/N: Ricky is 4 months and 2 weeks pregnant.


Ricky's POV:

I don't know how long I've been sitting on the toilet in the bathroom but it's been a while.

I usually have to pee all the time but today is a different story.

I got home from doing some office work at the music school a few hours ago, and was starving. When I walked in the door I wanted to grab myself some peanut butter and potato chips, my latest craving. But instead of heading to the kitchen, I saw Gina and Nini cuddling on the couch watching my favorite show, The OC. And I may or may not have yelled at them and told them how angry I was at them for watching it without me. Then I swore and yelled at Gina to get the fuck out of my apartment and stop ruining my happy mood.

I think I scared her away with my mood swings.

She's one of my best friends and supporters.

And she introduced me to Big Red too.

I owe my friends a lot for supporting me during this hard time.

And I ran to the bathroom instead of apologizing to her because I felt nauseous after I yelled at the two girls who I call my best friends.

I didn't throw up though. I've just been sitting on the toilet with the lid down, thinking about what life would be like if E.J and I lived together and supported our baby.

Did we stay together longer than we should?

I keep telling myself we had something special but I don't know now.

Maybe, we were just a stupid young in love couple who were never meant to last long anyway?

Oh and it feels like summertime outside now so wearing XXL hoodies is really tough now.

Nini is probably mad at me too because she looked frightened when my mood changed from hungry to angry and outrageously mad in seconds.

I also never raise my voice because it could hurt my vocal chords.

I don't know why my mood swings are so bad all of a sudden.

Being pregnant is really tiring. I don't know how my mom did it.

"Ricky, I wanted to give you some alone time. Are you okay? Do you want something to eat?" I hear a soft knock come from the other side of the bathroom door and Nini's soft voice as she leans against the other side of the door.

I don't know if I'm okay.

I yelled at two of my best friends and swore at one of them never to step foot in my apartment again.

Instead of replying, I wipe a few of my tears that have fallen with toilet paper and get up to wash my hands by the sink and admire my bump.

I look like a fat man who is just sad all the time.

I'm only happy when I'm around my friends and family or when I'm at the music school with kids that's it.

I hate these long 9 months.

"I'm sorry Nini." I open the bathroom door and fall into her arms giving her a big hug.

Oh no.

Cue the waterworks again.

I hate mood swings. More tears and feeling not great.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault that you get mood swings. Don't cry Ricky. It's not the end of the world. You should really be apologizing to Gina though. She went home a while ago to get ready to teach a dance class." I feel Nini rub circles on my back as I lean my bump into her chest giving her a hug.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now