Made my mistakes, and they gave me wings to fly

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A/N: Seb and Carlos' wedding will feel rushed because this is an R.J story, not a Seblos story. Also, one more chapter left!


Ricky's POV:

*December 21st*

It's been a month since Seanna was born.

E.J.'s been over for a few hours at most almost every day since we left the hospital.

He's been really busy recently, though. He was working at his new desk job and filling out paperwork to get a new car and apartment on loan. He moved out of his old apartment and said farewell to his friends in Hollywood and his cat this month. He even started bonding more often with his cousin.

This means that my dad and Nini had to come over when E.J wasn't free so that I could get some sleep or eat something without having to hear Seanna cry in the background and want to be held.

Today's a special day though. It's Carlos and Seb's wedding.

It's the first time that I am leaving the apartment with E.J.

And the first time that I am going to an event with E.J that isn't a date or a visit to get Seanna checked up by a doctor.

I'm nervous about today.

What if Seanna needs to be fed during the wedding?

What if E.J doesn't arrive on time to pick me up?

What do I do if Seanna cries during the wedding ceremony?

"You ready for an adventure, sweetheart? Are you gonna sleep through the whole wedding or give daddy a hard time?" I pick her up out of her crib and change her diaper while she plays with the rattle that Red picked out for her.

I still feel the sore from the stitches but there's a scar there now, which means that my body is healing.

I only pick Seanna up when she needs to be changed or fed.

I let Nini, Kourt, Gi, or my dad do the hard stuff like bathing her and picking her up from her playmat since it still hurts in my belly and lower abdomen.

"I don't think that Seb and Carlos will mind if your outfit doesn't match the wedding theme. You'll probably need to be changed in an hour or so anyway. Don't give Papa E.J a hard time today. He's been through a lot in the last month and doesn't need to deal with a a baby temper tantrum during the wedding. I love you so much, Little S," I talk to Seanna while she is distracted with the rattle in her hand and a pacifier in her mouth.

I sound crazy but I am home alone with a baby.

My friends are getting ready for the wedding and E.J is on his way to pick us up.

"I think you need a bow or hat to go with that cute little onesie. Good thing, that your favorite aunt, Kourt monogrammed all your hats. Let's see, what about this one? It's E.J.'s favorite color"

It's a baby hat that is Lightning Mcqueen Red. It also goes with the wedding theme which is PRIDE flag colors.


After snuggling her up in a blanket that has a pride flag on it, since her favorite one is in the wash, I hear the doorbell ring and can tell that E.J is at the door.

"Coming!" I pick Seanna up and place her in her carrier that can easily be transferred into E.J.'s car which has a carseat in it.

I have a coat for her too but that won't be necessary till we get outside.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now