'Cause I knew rumors could kill

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A/N: most of this chapter was written by serenitybymoonlight and I wrote the end of it

-Ricky is 7.5 weeks along aka 1 month and 26 days along. more than 26 days after he made the surprise announcement if you are keeping track.


E.J's POV:

It's been more than two weeks since Ricky came to my trailer and announced he was pregnant. It's been more than two weeks since a paparazzi photographer caught Ricky leaving my trailer crying in his big pink hoodie. It's been more than two weeks since the rumor started that I broke up with him to be in 'A Billion Sorrys', which is not true. It's been more than two weeks since I've seen or called him.

I don't know how far along he is now in the pregnancy, but it can't be too far along. It's almost the end of March. My brain is all messed up from the TV show shoots and the photography shoots we have.

I can't keep track of time and Ricky.

"Quinnie, not again, please not today." I wake up to a horrible smell from my bathroom across from my bed that Ricky used when he was here for Valentine's Day, and I find my cat's feces on the bathroom carpet again.

"Meow." I hear her soft purr and can already tell that this is the sound she made when she met Ricky.

"I know. I miss Ri too. I'll call him when I'm ready." I get out of bed with my bedhead hair and clean up her mess since she's my cat, not my roommate, Pearce, whose cat sits for me, but Angel is mine.

"I sure am going to miss you today," I sigh, going to my closet to get dressed. It was only 3 am, and I had to be on set was 4... but I wouldn't be filming anything until after lunch.

The director was shooting scenes with guest stars like Corbin Bleu and Nick Jonas away from us c-listers.

"I am the fucking star of this show, Aren't I, Quinnie?" I picked up my little fluff ball, and she kissed and licked my jaw.

Even though I thought I shouldn't be banished to my trailer for most of the day, this is just what the territory came with. I was going to blow up even more after this starts airing. You weren't supposed to bring animals to set, but Quinnie wasn't an animal... she was my baby. I packed her in her little carrier and called a uber to take me to set.

While in the Uber, I flipped through Ricky's Insta, Facebook, Tumblr, and TikTok to see what he was up to. Everything he posted was so sad and melodramatic...

I miss him so much.

That's it... I will officially call him when I get to my trailer and tell him that this break is over. I don't care if it is the middle of the night. I threw a jacket over the carrier and shushed Quinnie to be quiet as I sneaked us back to the trailer, taking it off the cage and setting her on the couch when I finally got inside, dodging the paparazzi.

"Okay, Missy, I am going to let you out, but I still want you to cry, so Ricky knows how much we both miss him," I let her out and booped her nose, sitting down and dialing Ricky, but I noticed I was sitting on something. I pulled a sheet of paper from my seat.

EJ, meet me in my trailer. I want to run some lines with you, love. – Stacey

Quinnie jumped on the piece of paper.

I should have listened to my beautiful, genius, unpotty-trained kitten. This was such a bad idea. I sighed and closed my phone, setting out some dishes for Quinnie to eat and drink from.

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