How does the good get so bad?

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A/N: Ricky is 5 months and 2 weeks and 2 days along. It has been two weeks and two days since he last saw E.J. at the Pasadena Mall.


E.J's POV:

I don't know how long I've been petting Quinny but she's starting to shed a full carpet now so that cannot be a good sign.

"What do you mean? Did you quit acting for Ricky? Or are you just being delusional now? What the fuck happened to my best friend in the last two weeks? And why aren't you on set? Your call time was at 7:30 am?" I hear Pearce scream at me on the phone as I get out of bed and put my cat down on the floor to walk away.

"Pearce....." I sigh and mess with the stubble that has grown out on my chin.

"I didn't quit acting." I sigh but can already tell that he isn't listening to me on the phone.

"Don't PEARCE me! I have done everything to support you in the last two weeks. I left takeout outside your bedroom door. I changed your cat's litter. I even told the director of our show that you were sick multiple times in the last two weeks. I was the one who has been checking in on you. I fucking listen to you cry and rant about Ricky. What happened to my best friend? I even knocked on your door every day to see if you would at least come to set to visit Meg and Trevor. You were there for me during my hard times and you listened to me. It's been almost three weeks since you went to Pasadena, E.J. and you have only talked to Meg. I can't put up with a depressed and boring roommate. After my scenes today, I am dragging you out of the apartment and we are going to talk over dinner." I hear my roommate and best friend's voice crack on the phone then hear him hang up after an AD has called him on set.

Well, shit.

My best friend is forcing me out of bed and is also forcing me to talk about my Pasadena trip that I basically forced Meg to take me on.

I also haven't heard anything from Ricky or Nini since I left the Pasadena Mall with Meg.

I got my hopes up too high.

I was hoping for a least a 'Hi' or 'I read your letter from him' but I have no new messages from him.

I have hundreds of messages from my agent and from my cast mates though.

After the Pasadena trip, I decided to take a three-week, mental health break off work.

Well, I didn't exactly get the mental health break that I wanted. I got pestered by my agent about being the lead of A Billion Sorrys and having responsibility and maturity. But whatever that doesn't matter to me.

All he wants is money and my fame.

"Quinny where'd you go, love?" I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to shower and see my cat sitting on top of something that I haven't seen in ages.

"Meow" I hear her purr at me and pick her up off of the pile of clothes to see what she was sitting under before she can make a mess on my floor.


Once my cat has run off into my room, I brush off the piece of paper that is lying on the floor.

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"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now