I'm not gonna make the same mistake

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A/N: It's the end of the week from the last chapter so Ricky is exactly 4 months aka 17 weeks


E.J's POV:

Well shit.

I'm a dad to a daughter whom I can't even be with.

I saw that he texted me a picture of a sonogram the other day and a short message 'It's a girl'.

I guess he unblocked my number and wanted me to see it.

Then I sent him a message saying 'Can we talk?' but it didn't go through.

I'm assuming that he blocked my number again which I don't blame him for.

I cheated on him with my ex that he helped me get over with and almost got her pregnant too.

I know that I'm an idiot and deserve all the hate tweets.

I'm off of social media for a while until the news has cleared up about Anastasia's tweet.

"Hey knock knock, can I come in?" I hear Pearce's voice from the door of my trailer while nodding my head towards him.

"You don't have to say 'knock knock' dude. I trust you." I sigh and set my phone down on my desk.

"What'cha looking at? The new scripts for episode 12 don't get emailed to us until Sunday." I watch Pearce pet Angel who is sitting on the couch that Ricky announced he was pregnant while staring at me.

"Just something Ricky sent me." I sigh and unlock my phone so that I can finally show him.

I've been keeping the ultrasound picture a secret for a few days.

Not even my cousin back in Utah knows about the gender of the baby.

Or my mom.

"I thought that he blocked your number and you said that you would give him time before you sent an apology?" Pearce had Angel in his arms now and looked up at me concerned because of the way I took the break up and immediately wanted Ricky back.

"Yeah he did. He unblocked me to send me this on Monday and then blocked me again. But I screenshot it for safe keeping." I hand him my phone that has the picture of Ricky's ultrasound and his test while I pick Angel up out his hands so that he can hold my phone.

"Wow. Congrats, man. You're a girl dad." I look over at him and watch him tear up and suddenly remember the story he told me about his past.

"Yeah, I am. I won't get to see her though unless Ricky somehow magically forgives me for what I've done." I sigh while petting my angel baby who is yawning in my lap.

"Hey! Don't say that. I'm sure that in due time you can talk to Ricky. It's not an easy thing that you guys are handling. I commend you for being so strong and not losing hope. Please don't go late night drinking again though. I told you that my story is worse and Ricky deserves to at least hear your side of the story before he actually shoves you out of the baby girl's life." I move over to the couch while he hands me my phone back.

It's currently lunchtime so I'm not too worried about being called on set to run lines right now.

"I hope you're right. I'm sure you'll find someone soon. Don't lose hope either. I won't make the same mistake if Ricky let's me talk to him." I side hug him while Angel jumps off of my lap and sits in my shoes.

"Baby, no. Potty, is not there. It's in the litter box next to my desk." I sigh as I pick her up out of my shoes and place her in her litter box.

Thank goodness, I brought a spare pair of sneakers to set.

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