No more of this endless charade

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A/N: Ricky is one month pregnant in this chapter, so a few days later from the last chapter. March 14.

I'm sorry there's so many time skips.


E.J's POV:

It's been more than a week since Ricky hung up on me and I could hear him retching into the toilet.

I felt so bad for him and didn't even know if he used the stuff in the sick day package that I got him.

I told him to see a doctor the night I called him to see how we was feeling and he said okay, which meant that he was not okay.

Unfortunately, I can't take off work to drive to him half an hour away in Pasadena.

I'm not exactly 'new to LA' since I've been here for almost two years but I call myself a new person to LA since I spent most of my time auditioning and hanging out with my boyfriend instead of actually taking in what LA had to offer.

I may or may not have seen Ross and Stacey in "Me, Myself, and Sex" on an ABC studio lot when I was auditioning for a ABC show last month.

I'm always auditioning and waiting to hear back from my agent.

I saw their names on a clipboard as Austin and Ally and got curious as to why Anastasia was not at my dad's law firm in Utah.

That's why I asked her how she got to LA at the table read.

I didn't get the ABC show role though.

Pearce was curious about the show when I told him about her. I told him about my past with her after I came back from the audition.

She's still really beautiful and I hate saying it when I'm with Ricky.

I may have lied about knowing her a few times.

Okay maybe a lot of times.

It was called acting. I'm an actor. I have skills.

I told Ricky I didn't know who was playing the leads in 'A Billion Sorrys'. I didn't want him to know that my ex was in the same show and city I was in.

Thankfully, he doesn't watch dramas romances on ABC. So I don't think he knows she's in Hollywood but he did help me get over my breakup when I was devastated about leaving her back in Utah.

Ricky helped me overcome a lot of things I was not happy about.

Now, this new lead role is a big deal for me since I've been trying to get a lead role forever. I cannot let Stacey, I mean Anastasia make me lose my big shot in Hollywood.

I also can't call Ri now since I'm on set until 8:30 tonight too.

"Elton sir, there's a new script in your trailer. Please look over the notes for tomorrow. I'm calling it a day for you. You don't have to stay till 8:30 while we shoot Pearce's scenes." I see one of 'A Billion Sorrys' assistant directors walk up to me holding a clipboard to check me out of work for the day.

"Thanks, Adam. See you tomorrow at 6:30." I wave to him and yawn on my way to my trailer since I woke up at 5 am to my roommate Pearce holding Angel who was sitting on top of him while he was sleeping.

I promise everyone, she's an angel.

She has her moments and bad days though.

"Surprise!" I hear a familiar happy voice from the corner of my trailer as I open the door and see streamers and balloons inside while my boyfriend is wearing an oversized pink blanket hoodie that is way too long for him.

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