Close the book before it turns to tragedy

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A/N: Ricky is 6 months along


Ricky's POV:

It's been a while since I ran into E.J. at Pasadena Mall.

I don't know how to feel knowing that I saw E.J.

I need a long mental health break away from everything.

Tonight, Kourtney invited me over ot her place to watch movies; all that is on my mind is the baby.

And how I need to work harder to pay her back for whatever she is surprising me with for baby girl's nursery.

My anxiety and depression are spiraling again.

I need to talk to my therapist.

"Ricky, are you okay? You're not watching the movie. This is your favorite movie." I hear Kourtney's soft voice over Tiana's on screen.

We are watching The Princess and the Frog, and all I feel is the baby kicking and anxiety.

"Hmm. Yeah, I'm watching it. Do you think you could give me a hint on what you got for HER nursery so that I can guess how much to pay you back?" I change the topic and pretend to watch Tiana twirl in her dress again.

"It's nothing you need to worry about, Ricky. Besides, you and she are family to me. Well, that's as long as you let me be her favorite auntie." I listen to Kourtney get all excited about the baby.

I wish E.J. was excited about her.

I wish E.J. could feel her kick.

She kicks like a ballerina playing soccer.

I barely feel it on my bump. But sometimes, they get a little stronger as if she is actually trying to be a soccer player but isn't quite there yet.

"Yeah, you can be her favorite auntie. Nini is gonna be her godmother and you might have to fight Gina over the favorite auntie position." I laugh a little making my anxiety simmer down.

"Aghhh! Yay! Omg we can play dress up and I can get her glitter and makeup for when she's older. Oh, I am so excited for my little princess. Can I feel her kick?" I listen to Kourtney get excited as I hold onto the spot on my belly where she's kicking.

I think she likes Auntie Kourtney.

"Sure. Maybe you can calm her down since she's so active during movie night. I am not sure if I want her wearing glitter and makeup though. Natural beauty is the best and I don't want to be cleaning up glitter." I help Kourtney place her hand where I had mine a second ago.

"Woah, she's so gentle. Does it hurt you?" I listen to Kourtney while the movie plays in the background.

"It doesn't hurt. It's uncomfortable though. I think that she knows that her daddies aren't athletes. My OBGYN said kicks are supposed to be more frequent at 6 months and with my anxiety, it's probably not fun for me." I tell Kourtney and focus back on the movie.

"Hey, Kourt, can I tell you something?" I look away when Dr. Facilier is on the screen.

I don't like villains at all.

"Yeah, of course, I am here to listen."

"I know what I'm going to name her." I motion to my belly.

"What?! When did you decide? I thought that Nini said that you want to decide when she's born." I listen to Kourtney and realize that Nini knows a lot.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now