Just 'cause it's over it don't mean I'm over it now

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*A/N: It's the same day as the last chapter but it's nighttime.


E.J's POV:

It's been a hell of a day.

1) I have been staring at my phone waiting for either Pearce, Meg or Ricky to text me

2) Ashlyn won't let me drive, even though I paid for the rental car. Don't ask me why

3.) I am in a hospital lobby now.

"Wait, so who called who? I am lost," I look across the hospital seating area and hear a redhead boy speak up during the awkward silence.

"I called E.J. from Ricky's phone because he told me to when the baby was kicking. Then, I called Nini from my phone. Nini and Gi were downstairs sorting out a nursery surprise that his dad pitched in to help us move into Ricky's room. We're waiting for the doctor to check up on Ricky and Little S now. Red, it's better if you stay silent," I look over at the young woman who is speaking to the redhead and see her glaring at me.

"Wait, why won't the doctors see Ricky yet? He's not injured or in critical condition is he?" I ask the group of people who seem to be here for him too and get no response.

"Anyways, Gi, I was thinking that we hold off on the nursery surprise till later in the week. Ricky needs lots of rest," I can hear her loud and clear even though we're sitting away from each other.

"Will someone please tell me why I am here? I can't see Ricky. I can't call him. I don't even know why I am here," I stand up from my seat and stand in front of Ricky's friends.

All I was told was that Ricky needs me.

That's all that I was told.

I have texted an address and also got a very straightforward command from Ricky's friend, Kourt saying:

If you hurt or make my friend cry, I will personally get someone to kill you.

"You are here because Ricky wanted to see you before any of this happened. Be patient dickhead, or else you will never see daylight again. I know how bad you hurt him. You only get one second chance to talk to him," I look over and see Nini growl at me and ball her fists that this Gina girl seems to be playing with to calm her down.


I know what I did.

I made a stupid ass mistake.

I regret everything.

"Are you all here for Richard Bowen?" I hear immediately and look up from the hospital lobby tiles.

"We are," I look over and see this Kourt lady who called me take the lead and glare at me again.


I want to know what's going on.

"Eeej, shhh," I watch my cousin place her hand on my back to prevent me from going up to ask the doctor question.

For a second, I forgot that my cousin came with me to the hospital.

"I talked with Richard's dad about the next steps already....." I hear the doctor say and so desperately want to cut him off and tell him that Ricky hates the name, Richard.

"Is Ricky okay?" I look over and see that Gi girl get up out of her seat and take Nini's hand.

This can't be good.

The two girls started crying while talking to the doctor.

After their conversation with the doctor, I watch Kourtney give me another glare as she sits back down in her seat.

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