I didn't think we'd end up here

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Ricky's POV:

I didn't think we'd end up here, especially in a hospital.

E.J. and I.

"I'm still in love with the E.J. I mean, the E.J. I met before. But..." I hesitate as I lay in the uncomfortable hospital bed that Nini forced me to rest in.

She won't even let me get up alone without help after what happened in the apartment.

"But... I already fucked up. I know." I watch E.J. sit on the chair placed across the room.

"Shit. I swore in front of Little S. I am so sorry." I watch E.J. place his hand over his mouth o shut himself up.

"I think I've done a few dozen times too. Don't worry. She's not even here yet. So, uh I unblocked your number," I start to say with the biggest hesitation in my voice.

I'm not even sure where this is going.

"Yeah, thank you. for uh sending me the video about Little S' name reveal. It means a lot even though I am not physically part of her life anymore. Like I said before, I will do anything for you two even if we aren't dating. Daycare, co-parenting, nursery items, you name it." I listen to E.J. and am about to cut him off but decide not to.

"E.J., as much I love you or um loved you. You don't know how much I've cried. How many times I've shoved my friends away, how do I feel? You don't get it! You cheated on me with another woman, you never told me. I found out through social media. I found out because you ghosted me. I had to break up with you. I felt the pain for more than 2 months! You touched her body right after you made love to me. I can't even look at you right now. I'm trying my best not to cry. I asked Kourt to call you because I thought that something was happening to Little S and I can't do this alone. I keep telling you not to worry and be sorry for yourself but I can't look at you without remembering what you did. I need time to decide on things. I need more time." I wipe my eyes and can already tell that I am crying and fuck my blood pressure monitor is beeping loudly.

I don't need a doctor to see me like this.

"I completely understand. I am here for you if you need anything. My cousin is visiting a friend in Pasadena and I quit my job. I'm using my payment from the tv show that I didn't finish to get a hotel room. I will give you as much time as you need. I am glad that Little S is okay. Oh, and this is yours. You must have dropped it in February." I watch E.J. take a piece of paper out of his pocket and lay it on my hospital bed then leave without touching me or saying anything to Nini who is standing quietly by the door.

It's my song "Tainted Love."

The one I wrote about E.J. and I's messy relationship.

I forgot about this.

Maybe this wasn't meant to be.

"Hey, I'm going to get the doctor to check up on your blood pressure and give you a minute alone since you look like you need it." I flinch when I feel someone tap on my shoulder and realize that it's just Nini.

Nothing serious is going on, except for Little S kicking my abdomen and lower region.

Stupid Braxton Hicks.

I don't know what's worse, my pain and breakup with E.J. or being 7 months pregnant.

"Knock, knock. Can I come in?" I look over and see my best friend holding a bag of snacks.

"Red, you don't have to say 'knock, knock'" I laugh a little causing Little S to kick again.

Someone must be happy that it's not E.J. at the door.

"I know, I couldn't knock though. I got my hands full." I watch him dump the bag of snacks on the edge of my bed.


He bought the whole vending machine.

Is this for me or for him or my friends and dad?

"Red, what is this for? I'm not in labor. I'm just getting intense pain and kicks. The doctor's want to monitor me for one night." I laugh again and watch him sort everything out from candy to chips to gum.

"Okay, I'll be honest. The hot Cheetos are for me and Ash to share, but the rest is for you." I watch his face turn bright red and gently hit his shoulder with my arm which doesn't have an IV for fluids.

"You met someone while I was being looked at in the ER?!" I try my best not to scream in the hospital room.

Thank god, I have a private room.

"Okay, don't be mad. But, I kinda hit it off with E.J.'s cousin, Ashlyn." I watch Red back away before I can hit him while 7 months pregnant.

"You what?!" I scream as my blood pressure and monitor that manages my Braxton Hicks second go off.

Nini and the doctor run-in with a nurse right behind them before Red can say anything.

"Everything is fine. Ricky, why are you screaming? I thought that something happened." I watch Nini place her hands on her hips angrily at me as she glares at Red who is stuffing his face with Chips.

Sam, Red, same.

"No reason. Dr. Phillips, when can I go home?" I beg and ignore my two crazy friends.

"Tomorrow. We would like to keep you just in case since your situation is unique. We aren't quite sure what to look out for besides Braxton Hicks and high blood pressure. The nurse is going to do an ultrasound to see what's causing you so much pain. We can't give any meds since you have mental health diagnoses that will affect the pregnancy." I raise my eyebrow since I didn't know that it was this important.

What's causing me pain is the fact that I am doing this alone and not even my mom is here.

My dad's in the cafeteria and he deserves a nice dinner with Kourt.

He came here to visit me and now I am in the hospital.

This wasn't supposed to happen at 7 months.

"This is bullshit. I thought that you said that I was fine." I groan and lay back in bed.

Gosh, Little S is already a pain in the ass and she's not even born yet.

"Can I at least go back to work at Just For a Melody?" I look over at Nini who is sitting where E.J was sitting.

"What's that?" I look towards Dr. Phillips who is writing down my blood pressure.

"It's the music school we co-own. We teach underprivileged youth music instruments and vocal lessons." I let Nini explain to the doctor.

"As long as you take breaks, have someone look out for you, and don't do any physical labor. I don't see why you can't." I watch the doctor take notes

"What about my hot topic job?" I bite my lip and look at Red since he knows that I need the money.

I can't do this without saving for Little S.

I can't even pay for my own apartment yet.

"I got that covered don't worry. Auntie Kourt has everything ready for her favorite superstar diva." I watch Kourt walk in front of my dad.

What the hell is going on?

"No physical labor. Does everyone hear me?" I watch the doctor look at all my friends and my dad and can't help but feel useless.

I can't work at Hot Topic anymore.

I can barely take care of myself.

Everyone is watching me and Little S.

Even E.J is here in Pasadena.

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