Me, you, my Angel, and the Hollywood sign

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A/N: this chapter is the day after the breakup.

Pretend Matt's dog Kota is Trevor Tordjman's for the story pls.


E.J's POV:

Someone is screaming in my ear and now my ear hurts.

I don't know where I am.

My body hurts and my throat is dry.

Where is Percy when I need him by my side?

"Hey, thanks for calling me Meg. Woah, you look like you've had too much to drink bro. E.J, how many Vodka shots did you order and where did you go? Actually don't answer that. Let's call an Uber home." I feel someone tug at my shirt and instantly trip stool on air as I feel the person hold me in there arms.

"Carry me slave peasant!" I mumble and can already feel the vodka in my throat.

Oh no.

"Yeah, he's definitely had too many drinks. I can't believe he texted you, 'Me, you, my Angel and the Hollywood sign' Meg. I'm sorry he ruined your beach night out." I barely even understand what the person who picked me up is saying before I feel tears in my eyes and vomit come up my throat and lean down over towards the sand.

"Bro, that's not cool! Ugh, disgusting." I barely make out what the person is saying as I feel tears well up in my eyes and my throat burn from throwing up.

I don't know where I am or who I'm with.

My throat is dry and burns like hell.

I think I drank water but I'm not sure.

"Sorry, Percy Jackson." I immediately look up with my teary blurry unfocused eyes that burn and see my roommate placing me back over his arms to carry me.

"I wanna see Icky and go on the Santa Monica Percy Jackson ride nowwwwww." I whine and immediately feel hot tears flow down my cheeks and my throat burn.

"Take me home to my dog, Angelica. I want to feed her." I feel the hot tears run down my cheeks and start yawning as I try to keep my blood shoot eyes open that burn.

Pearce is holding onto my back is saying something to the woman he is talking to but I can't understand what they are saying.

My eyes burn, my throat hurts, and I feel like I have a intense migraine.

It doesn't help that I've been crying.

My head hurts even more now.

I immediately feel hands on my chest and someone pick me up from behind my back as I place my hand down in mid air.

"I want to go home to Utah and see-." I exclaim and feel someone's hand over my mouth as I put my head in their arms to fall asleep.

Time to take a nap.

I'm tired after all that crying and not being able to go to Santa Monica Pier with Icky.

I miss Icky and I want more of that drink that hurt my throat.

My head hurts so bad and I either hit it or have a migraine.

Everything hurts.

I don't like this.

"Should we wake him up?" I hear a feminine voice as I shut my eyes again from the massive headache I have.

I opened my eyes a second ago and saw a dog cuddling with me then fell back asleep because I was too tired to get up out of this comfy bed and am in pain.

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