My therapist would kill me If she knew that I was here

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*That evening*


Ricky's POV:

I know that overworking myself and getting stressed isn't good for the baby but I need money to save for an apartment and baby necessities. So instead of going home after my guitar lesson with, Arnold who is the cutest four-year-old I have ever met, I decided to take up another shift at Hot Topic with Howie.

My therapist said that I should take more self-care and off days from work but I really need the money. I can't rely on Nini and my other friends to help me forever.

As nice as they are, I can't help but feel like a charity case.

Since the breakup and my depressive episodes happened, everyone's treated me like it's my birthday.

It's nice and I love the gifts but I need to do some things on my own

"Oh shit." I get out of my car in the mall parking lot and see someone standing in front of a white car petting a dog.

E.J Caswell, star of 'A Billion Sorrys'. The man who can't even say sorry to me without lying and twisting his words like a knife.

"Ricky," I watch his mouth to me as I walk as fast as I can towards the mall entrance avoiding him.

What the hell is he doing in Pasadena? And why does he have a dog?

I thought he had a cat.

"Ricky Bowen, can we please talk?" I hear E.J.'s rough and emotional voice.

It's not his emotional voice, as in when he's mad at me.

It's the voice he uses when he's going to have a mental breakdown.

I've heard it all too well before.

I dated him.

"No. We can't talk. I have a work shift. Don't you have the stuff to do in Hollywood? Or are you here with that dog for press and publicity purposes? Let me guess you are using that poor animal for popularity, like how you used me as your charity case." I whisper under my breath with the most anger I've ever felt before, being careful about who else is in this parking lot.

I know that paparazzi follow The E.J Caswell.

"Ricky, that's not the case. This isn't even my dog. It's my friend, Trevor's. Can we please talk for a minute?" I listen to him as I walk across the street to the mall entrance.

Before I can pull the door open to the entrance, I watch him put his hand on the door to stop me as he holds onto the dog's leash.

This man and this dog do not take NO for an answer.

I knew that blocking a celebrity's number would not really block them out.

Celebrities always have connections and friends who can help them.

And to top it all off, this dog is making puppy eyes at me.


"Fine. One minute. Talk. I'm not going to look you in the eye though. It hurts too." I stoop down to pet the dog he's holding a leash for and already feel a bit calmer.

I don't know why but I have a soft spot for dogs.

I am allergic to cats though.

"Hey buddy, it's okay. I know. It's okay. I'm stressed and tired too." I talk to the dog while E.J. stares at the two of us like we're a baby and child.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now