I'm not surprised he didn't call

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A/N: this chapter takes place the day after the last chapter

It's about to get BRUTAL.


Ricky's POV

When I got home from LA, I cried in my room all night and didn't even have dinner. Nini came home from her second job at the local diner and found tissues around my bed. She was nice enough to make me some pasta and leave a dish outside my door after trying to see if I wanted to talk, which I didn't want to but I had to tell her what happened because she said staying in my room isn't good for the baby.

And last night aka this morning, I stayed up past 4 am watching YouTube reruns of E.Js 'Red Rubbers' commercial and his other one for toothpaste on replay.

I'm not surprised he didn't call. He promised to stay in touch with me and give a response but I guess boyfriends after a year of dating break promises.

I guess I got used to being neglected and ignored after my mom abandoned me and decided never to call again after she filed a divorce with my father.

I guess I just got my hopes up and wanted to hear his voice again.

I am such an idiot for wanting to surprise him in his trailer and announce that I'm pregnant. All on the same day I wanted to come out as a couple on his YouTube channel.

I got my hopes up too much.

I sorta knew that he would have a bad reaction and I still bought the balloons and fuzzy blanket hoodies.

I wanted him to be excited for the baby too. I didn't want to hide anymore from his fans.

I hate myself for wanting to touch his dick and see him naked. I hate myself for wanting to have sex with him and asking him to go slow for my first time. I hate myself for ruining us.

My dad told me that it was common sense for EJ to react like that when I called him last night to tell him how EJ reacted to the surprise. I mean who wouldn't act like EJ reacted when they found out a male was having a baby? After that breakdown I stayed on the phone crying for an hour.

It means the world to me that my dad cares about the baby and I.

Nini's also been comforting me a lot and checking on me but I told her that I wanted to be alone today. Besides, she has music school job applications to look over since The Just For a Melody Music School we co own together is hiring. We need all the help we can get. We are just adults in our 20s trying to help underprivileged kids learn.

"Hey before I leave I just wanted to let you know that Gina is coming over with her friend, Big Red, to keep you company. I called them and didn't tell them about your situation. I would never do that. They'll just watch movies or play a board game with you until I get back from the vocal lessons I'm teaching." I see Nini's head pop in from the corner of my bedroom door and notice that she's wearing a nice designer dress today that was a gift from her girlfriend, Gina.

At least someone's happy today.

"I don't need babysitters Neens. I just need a mental health day off from work. I'm not surprise he didn't call." I lay in bed under my blue and yellow throw blanket and stare at my phone.

"I'm sorry about him again. Give him some time to think. Don't stare at your phone all day." I watch her grab my phone and place it on silent then shove it in her pocket.

"What are you doing with my phone? What if my dad calls and has an emergency?" I try to grab the phone from her but she's too quick.

"I will put it on my bookshelf in my room. If you need it you know where it is. I don't want you staring at your phone all day waiting for him to call. This is unhealthy. If you are going to take a mental health day go on a walk around the city or go run errands. The baby isn't going to feed itself and you need lots of exercise if you wanna stay healthy for this pregnancy." I watch her shove my phone in her coat pocket and stare at me sternly like a mother would do to her kid.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt