How did we allow, we allow this story

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A/N: this is the longest chapter in the book for a reason. My time skips may be off sorry about that

Ricky is 3 weeks and 6 days pregnant, so 3/4 a month.


Ricky's POV:

Well, I have come to a conclusion that I don't have a stumach flu or virus or 24 hour virus. I haven't thrown up in 3 days. It's been more than a week since I've talked to my boyfriend.

He's been busy since he started shooting his show and I am so proud of him but not going to to disturb him.

Today's' Saturday and it feels like early spring even though that's in a few more weeks. Nini and I aren't teaching at Just for a Melody today.

We still need to work on the job applications and hire people for the school we're creating but my health comes first.

Instead of puking my meals up and water in to the toilet, I've been running to the bathroom at 3 am in the morning having to pee for a minute then go back to bed.

Yesterday, Nini came back from her friend Kourtney's 21st birthday party at a bar and I scared her half to death coming out of the bathroom at 4 am.

I swear to god, I am NOT sick.

I don't have an STD. I feel fine down there.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Ricky, is it okay if we watch The Greatest Showman? It's on Disney +" I feel my best friend nudge my shoulder as I lay my head on her shoulder feeling tired.

It's only 11:30 am and we're having a movie day since it's a rainy day in Pasadena.

I don't know why I am so tired.

I had a cup of coffee this morning, it was decaf because we didn't have caffeinated.

And Starbucks down the street cost like half a day of our rent.

"What? Huh? Yeah, Sure. I'm going to the bathroom to splash water on my face." I shake my head like a dog to wake myself up and head to my bathroom since she has her own private bathroom.

When I am in the bathroom, I splash water on my face and still feel fatigue and nauseous for some reason.

I try to use the toilet but I don't have to go because I went before I sat on the couch.

I hate this.

I feel nauseous but don't throw up.

I wake up at odd hours of the night to pee for a minute then go back to bed.

I'm fatigue at 11 am.

I eat all the time, which is normal for me except I'm hungrier now.

And, I have mood swings.

Last night, I yelled at Nini for inviting her girlfriend, Gina over even though she's been here dozens of times to try bake goods and kiss Nini in the kitchen.

I don't know why I am letting my best friend turn on the movie I hate because it's not realistic.

I prefer Family Guy because they talk about some real life adult topics that are important.

"Ricky, are you okay in there? Are you throwing up again?" I hear a faint knock come from the other side of the bathroom door and notice that Nini is babying me like I am 18 again.

I am not 18 years old.

I'm 23 years old.


I've been in the bathroom too long thinking about my fatigue and nausea.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat